Friday, May 31, 2019
The Blue Whale Essay -- essays research papers
The Blue WhaleBalaenoptera Musculus, or the blue colossus, is the largest mammalian in the world. This enormous mammal can grow to be 110 feet long and weigh as frequently as 190 tons. Thats longer than two city buses and the total freight of 30 elephants. This giant is powered by a heart the size of a taxi-cab. The blue whales of the Antarctic grow larger than those of the Northern Hemisphere. Also, the females tend to be slightly larger than the males of the same age. These mammals be bluish-gray in color, with some paler spots. Algae tends to accumulate on their bellies causing a yellowish or mustard color. It has a mottled appearance with a broad, flattened U-shaped mountain pass. Fifty to ninety throat grooves run from the mouth to the belly. Instead of teeth, blue whales have 270 to 400 black baleen plates on each side of their mouths. These plates are almost forty inches long and twenty-two inches wide. The blue whale has a tiny, stubby dorsal fin dress out far back on its body. It has a 20 foot wide, slightly notched, triangular flukes, which is propelled by an extremely thick tail stock. The flippers on this creature are long and slender, and are about one-seventh of the whales body length. The blue whales most prominent feature is its exceptionally fleshy splashgaurd, which surrounds the blowholes at the front and sides. This whale spouts a single slender jet that soars forty to fifty feet high.The blue whale has very poor eyesight, no sense of smell, and has no sense of taste. However, the blue whale does have well-developed senses of touch and hearing. This large mammal has a life span of about eighty years.At this time there is not too much known about the blue whales behavior. Blowing and diving patterns vary according to the whales activity. The blue whale blows every ten to twenty seconds for a total of two to sestet minutes, when relaxed, and then planks. They usually stay submerged for five to twenty minutes, but can stay under for u p to 40 minutes. Blue whales usually dive to around 490 feet, but can go deeper if need be. When swimming slowly, the whale rises at a shallow angle. He blows as soon as the head begins to brake the surface. The head disappears below the surface and a long expanse of the back rolls into view. The dorsal fin normally appears some time after the... about blue whales coming from the rest of the worlds oceans. California waters may now represent some of the most critical large whale habitats in the world.Bibliograpghy1.Boitani, Luigi and Bartoli, Stefania 1983. Simon and Schusters travel by to Mammals. NewYork Simon & Schuster Inc., p.237.2.Singing Blues for the Blues. U.S. News and World Report, July 3, 1989 vol 107, n 1 pp.8 and 9. 3.Leatherwood, Stephen and Reeves, Randall 1983. The Seirra Club Handbook of Whales and Dolphins. San Francisco Seirra Club Books, pp. 47-51.4.Sattler, Helen Roney 1987. Whales, the Nomads of the Sea. New York Lothrop, Lee and Shepard Books pp. 17, 28, 62-63.5.Carwardine, Mark 1985. Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises. New York Dorling Kindersley Publishing, Inc., pp.68-71.6.Lockley, Ronald M. 1979. Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises. NewYork W.W. Norton and Co., Inc. p. 88.7.Baskin, Yvonne. Blue colossus Bounds Back. Bio Science, October 1993, vol 43, n 9 pp. 603-606.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Humour in The Tempest :: essays research papers
Act II Scene I has been written as a humorous scene. It is meant to be funny and light-hearted. Although a modern day listening may non laugh out loud, the humour, itself, is very obvious.Alonzo thinks that his son, Ferdinand, is dead and one of his servants/Lords, Gonzalo, is trying to comfort him, but not succeeding. staphylococcal enterotoxin Bastian and Antonio, basically mock Gonzalo and allthing he says.Gon When every grief is entertaind thats offerd Comes to the entertainer Seb A dollarGon Dolour comes to him indeedGonzalo is trying to tell the king not to grieve too much or something will come to the entertainer of grief, but before he can say what, Sebastian interrupts with A dollar. This is relevant because Sebastian dissemble to take the term entertainer literally. However, Gonzalo interprets what Sebastian said as dolour, which means sorrow. To make this even more humorous, Shakespeare has made Sebastian tell Gonzalo, outright, that he has taken what he said in the wrong way.The second attempt at humour in this scene is Antonio and Sebastian talking to each other about Gonzalo not shutting up. After a short silence, they bet on who will be the next person to speak.Ant Which, of he or Adrian, for a good wager, first Begins to crow?Seb The old cockAnt The cockerel* * * * (Seb & Ant settle on the bet)Adr Though this island seem to be desert, -Ant Ha, ha, haSeb So youre paid.I personally found this humorous because there is no ASIDE used, which means they are not even trying to be discreet about their mockery.The triad attempt at humour is when Gonzalo is trying to be optimistic by talking about how fresh his clothes are. Of course, Sebastian and Antonio see this as another chance to mock Gonzalo. We, as the audience, know that Ariel made all of their clothes fresh after the ship was caught in the tempest. We therefore know that Gonzalo is actually telling the truth.Gon That our garments being, as they were, dr enched In the sea, hold, notwithstanding their freshness And glosses being rather new-dyed than stained
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
U.S. Constitution :: essays research papers
The document I chose to write about is the united States composition. When the thirteen British colonies in normality America declared their independence in 1776, they laid down that g everywherenments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. The colonies had to establish a government, which would be the framework for the get together States. The purpose of a written constitution is to define and therefore more specifically limit government powers. After the Articles of Confederation failed to work in the 13 colonies, the U.S. Constitution was created in 1787. The Constitution is important because it was expressly designed to limit powers into three co-ordinate branches, the legislative, executive, and judiciary branch none of which was to have supremacy over the others. This separation of powers with the checks and balances which each branch was given over the others was designed to p revent any branch, from infringing individual liberties safeguarded by the Constitution. I think the U.S. Constitution was a direction for the U.S. to establish government which was a negotiation between the two former governments, a monarchy and total state power. I think by creating the checks and balances, peoples rights would be safer and they would feel more secure not having one branch of government with absolute power. What I found most interesting about the Constitution was how complex and detailed the framers made it, to effectively explain and limit the individual branches of power in government. In the words of Thomas Paine, "a government without a constitution is power without right". Meaning that for power to be granted, it is necessary to establish a constitution. The Federalist Papers 10 & 51 were essays which helped persuade the citizens of the United States to vote for the federal Constitution. James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, a nd John Jay used pseudonyms as their names to convince the public. Those who were skeptical of voting for a government, which had many different study powers, were reassured by the founding fathers in their speeches and conventions throughout the U.S. The importance of Constitution, both in its content and its status, is little appreciated by the general public.
Cartoons: Land Of Imagination :: essays research papers fc
Cartoons Land of Imagination Just as Moses climbed Mount Sinai to receive the ten commands, the side by side(p) are the ten laws that govern my most interesting place. 1. Any bodysuspended in space will remain in space until do aware of its situation. 2.Any body in motion will tend to remain in motion until solid matter intervenessuddenly. 3. Any body red ink through solid matter will leave a perforationconforming to its perimeter. 4. The time required for an object to fall twentystories is greater than or pertain to the time it takes for whoever knocked it offthe ledge to spiral down twenty flights to attempt to capture it unbroken. 5.All principles of gravity are negated by fear. 6. As speed increases, objects give notice be in several places at once. 7. Certain bodies can pass through solidwalls painted to resemble tunnel entrances others cannot. 8. Any violentrearrangement of feline matter is impermanent. 9. Everything falls faster thanan anvil. 10. Fo r every vengeance there is an equal and opposite revengeance.These laws are the laws of the Cartoon Universe. The Cartoon Universe is not a conspicuous substance, rather an explorationinto imagination. It is this facet that makes this universe more appealing thanour own. One is free to create and manipulate not only the physical actions ofa character, nevertheless the mental behavior as well. If my recollection serves mecorrect, aside from hypnosis, there is nowhere else that this is possible. Inthe cartoon world, "anything goes." There are no boundaries to which one isconfined. With a myopic ingenuity and imagination one can create a place orbeing that has never existed before. Scribble, scribble, squeak, squeak, the colored pencils glideeffortlessly over the duster canvas. A dab of golden yellow, a speck of sky luscious.Within several minutes I have create my ideal woman. Blond hair, blue eyes,wearing a tight fitting bla ck mini-skirt. Perfect in appearance and poise, andnothing but words of encouragement and love linger in her black caption. For araging hormonal man of eighteen, this scenario is a dream come true. Cartoons,however are not just a group of characters jumping off cliffs, and getting shotout of cannons. On the contrary, cartoons often have incredible meaning. With the recent presidential elections, many cartoons have been inventedrepresenting the two current candidates flyer Clinton and Bob Dole. Politicalsatire, although often humorous, is meant to convey a message to the reader.The cartoonist has cleverly transposed his own thoughts, into that of hischaracters. Many environmental issues have been tackled as well.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Violent Females and Restorative Justice Essay -- Violence, Women
2. IntroductionAs of the early 20th century, there has been a rise in violent crime committed by women. This is due to a change in gender roles that result in women having a lack of informal control, fully grown women the mindset that they are more assertive (Kruttschnitt, et. al, 2008). It has been found that women as a whole are less likely to reoffend after attending a renewing justice conference (Hayes, 2005). Due to the female violent offenders only being a minority offender group (Bonta,, 1995), there are gaps in seek in terms of the effectiveness of restorative justice on their recidivism rates (Latimer, 2005). This research proposal will aim to address the gaps in this research by outlining the theoretical framework that backs the ideology that restorative justice may potentially be more beneficial and have a more positive way out for females than males. Firstly this paper will discuss the current literature, outlining the effectiveness of restorative justice , the research surrounding the rise in female violent offenders, and the potential winner of the two variables in reducing coming(prenominal) recidivism. And finally, a research question and hypotheses will be outlined in order to potentially influence future policy change. 3. Literature ReviewRestorative legal expert conferencing has been seen to be successful in reducing recidivism. This method of justice involves the offender(s), victim(s) and/or stakeholders of an offence to meet in a professionally mediated environment to discuss the offence and negotiate an outcome (Tuddenham, 2001). The term Restorative Justice is referred to as practices that are aimed at qualification the offender aware of the material and psychological damage or harm that has been caused t... .... (2001). Evaluating Restorative Justice. Probation Journal, 48(4), 296. doi10.1177/026455050104800411Umbreit, M. S. (1995). Holding Juvenile Offenders Accountable A Restorative Justice Perspective. Juvenile an d Family Court Journal, 46(2), 31. doi10.1111/j.1755-6988.1995.tb00815.xUmbreit, M. S., & Armour, M. P. (2011). Restorative Justice and Dialogue Impact, Opportunities, and Challenges in the Global Community. Journal of Law and Policy, 36(65), 65-89.Verrecchia, P. J. (2009). Female Delinquents and Restorative Justice. Women & Criminal Justice, 19(1), 80. doi10.1080/08974450802586992Walgrave, L. (2011). investigate the Potentials of Restorative Justice Practice.Washington University Journal of Law & Policy, 36(1), 91.Wortley, R. (2011). Development. In Psychological criminology An integrative approach (pp. 36). New York, USA Routledge.
Violent Females and Restorative Justice Essay -- Violence, Women
2. IntroductionAs of the early 20th century, there has been a produce in violent crime committed by women. This is due to a change in gender roles that result in women having a lack of easy control, giving women the mindset that they are more assertive (Kruttschnitt, et. al, 2008). It has been found that women as a whole are less likely to reoffend after attending a restorative justice conference (Hayes, 2005). Due to the female violent offenders only being a minority offender group (Bonta,, 1995), there are gaps in inquiry in terms of the effectiveness of restorative justice on their recidivism rates (Latimer, 2005). This research proposal will aim to address the gaps in this research by outlining the theoretical framework that backs the ideology that restorative justice may potentially be more beneficial and have a more collateral outcome for females than males. Firstly this paper will discuss the current literature, outlining the effectiveness of restorative just ice, the research surrounding the rise in female violent offenders, and the potential success of the two variables in reducing future recidivism. And finally, a research question and hypotheses will be outlined in order to potentially shape future policy change. 3. Literature Review renewing Justice conferencing has been seen to be successful in reducing recidivism. This method of justice involves the offender(s), victim(s) and/or stakeholders of an offence to see in a professionally mediated environment to discuss the offence and negotiate an outcome (Tuddenham, 2001). The term Restorative Justice is referred to as practices that are aimed at making the offender aware of the material and psychological damage or harm that has been caused t... .... (2001). Evaluating Restorative Justice. Probation Journal, 48(4), 296. inside10.1177/026455050104800411Umbreit, M. S. (1995). Holding Juvenile Offenders Accountable A Restorative Justice Perspective. Juvenile and Family Court Journal, 4 6(2), 31. doi10.1111/j.1755-6988.1995.tb00815.xUmbreit, M. S., & Armour, M. P. (2011). Restorative Justice and Dialogue Impact, Opportunities, and Challenges in the Global Community. Journal of Law and Policy, 36(65), 65-89.Verrecchia, P. J. (2009). Female Delinquents and Restorative Justice. Women & Criminal Justice, 19(1), 80. doi10.1080/08974450802586992Walgrave, L. (2011). Investigating the Potentials of Restorative Justice Practice.Washington University Journal of Law & Policy, 36(1), 91.Wortley, R. (2011). Development. In Psychological criminology An integrative approach (pp. 36). New York, USA Routledge.
Monday, May 27, 2019
The Three Little College
Students Once Upon a time, there were three piglet sisters who decided to take the next bill in their life a go to college. After twelve years of grade school the felt that going to college was greatest achievements of any. The three piglets names were Jasmine who was majoring in Nursing, Vanessa who was majoring in Criminal fair(a)ice, and Elizabeth who was majoring in Accounting. They all had outstanding grades so there college of choice was ISIS. Before they knew it, they were now discernn as the USC Trojan mournful day came along and they were all signed up to live in a dorm together which made the college experience even better. Hey Jasmine, did you bring the copper dryer? Vanessa asked, mavens, fag I brought the hair dryer and all our some other hair supplies, dont worry. Jasmine replied. These sisters Just wanted to make sure they had everything. What do you know they made it to their dorm and were ready for their classes to start? Everyones classes started the next day. As the next day comes to an end the piglets meet In the dorm and tell each other how amazing everyones classes are. This is amazing Elizabeth shouted. As years go by and the sisters are closer and closer to their graduation date, they each decided that they should move into a teeny-weeny domicil with some other roommates. A few months go by and they moved into a house with four other people who they have been friends with since the author of their college experience. Just a few more months left you guys We can do this yelled out one of the roommates, Rebecca. Before they know It they are down to Just a few weeks till graduation. Everyone Is excited but that Is all bout to change.See what they didnt realize was that the City of Los Angels is known for having severe earthquakes during this time of year. So while all the girls made a visit to the mall BANTAM Out of nowhere a 7. 8 earthquake struck the City of Los Angels Things were thrown everywhere, people were fall, buildi ngs were falling down to pieces, people were yelling This earthquake was a very serious one and the coast wasnt clear until half an hour later Can you create mentally? The girls were safe because they made the best choice and found a large sturdy table to take over underneath.The girls were devastated about what happened but they decided to non think about It and Just think about their soon to be graduation. As they headed back home, Jasmine yelled, Ahhhhhhh, What happened here Their house collapsed from top to bottom, they then realized their house was right above the San Andrea Fault. Jasmine and Rebecca started sobbing, no one knew what to do. Elizabeth starting talking to the girls and said, Common you guys we cant let this get to us we are close to graduation we need to be excited not sobbing tears even If our house Is own to pieces, In the misbegotten time we can stay at my Grandmas house. . Ahhhhhhhh , Wahoo, yokel the crowd shouted. The girls were graduating after fou r long years. The girls, We did It you guys 3 PIGS By Jogtailboard college of choice was USC. Before they knew it, they were now known as the USC the hair dryer? Vanessa asked, miss, sissy I brought the hair dryer and all our other comes to an end the piglets meet in the dorm and tell each other how amazing guys We can do this yelled out one of the roommates, Rebecca. Before they know it hey are down to Just a few weeks till graduation.Everyone is excited but that is all one and the coast wasnt clear until half an hour later Can you imagine? The girls to not think about it and Just think about their soon to be graduation. As they headed are close to graduation we need to be excited not sobbing tears even if our house is down to pieces, In the mean time we can stay at my Grandmas house. ,.. Ahhhhhhhh , Wahoo, Niamey the crowd shouted. The girls were graduating after four long years. The girls, We did it you guys
Sunday, May 26, 2019
What Roles Do Governments Play in the Fight against HIV/AIDS? How Big Are They?
In the fight against human immunodeficiency virus/ support, there are many points-of-view as to who blowouts the bigger role. In reality governments and non government organizations play very big and important roles, measuring who plays the biggest role might be difficult to determine.Some governments such as the joined States and the French governments have been known to be the biggest financial contributors to the fight against human immunodeficiency virus/ assist, but I will also be researching further to find out which countries have contributed the most in the early(prenominal) couple of years, and what type of contributions they have do such as financial contributions, summits, rallies, among others.human immunodeficiency virus/ back up threatens the development and propensity of countries around the valet de chambre. It impacts heavily on individuals ability to be economically productive and the expenses incurred in treating human immunodeficiency virus/AIDS treatment hav e been overwhelming.This is especially so in developing countries where pressure on the available health centers has mounted significantly as more people get admitted for treatment of HIV/AIDS related complications. Life expectancy in most countries has at peace(p) down with up to twenty years highly decimating the workforce.The adopt to promote change in behavior in order to reduce occurrence of the epidemic and the ever increasing need to come to the aid of the victims is therefore inevitable. Approaches meant to fight discrimination and stigma faced by HIV/AIDS patients are also essential.It is almost impossible for private organizations to take these responsibilities in general due to their limitation in funds. Governments have therefore taken center roles in the fight against HIV/AIDS establishing organizations to fight the pandemic while funding other private organizations to promote the fight against HIV/AIDS. There is therefore a dire need to fight HIV/AIDS and best sui ted to lead in these campaigns is the government.The governments mostly cannot participate in the rallies, seminars and summits held to promote AIDS awareness. It is through funding of the organizations convolute in the fight against HIV/AIDS that it usually offers its support.AnalysisAccording to the UNAIDS World AIDS Day report, many countries have taken the initiatives of reviewing their content strategies to address HIV/AIDS with the growing danger of the pandemic. Due to this, new infections have decreased from three million in 2001 and 2.7 million in 2007. The death rate of patients with HIV/AIDS has also reduced significantly as a result of the availability of anti-retroviral treatments provided by most governments.Governments especially members of the United Nations have been actively involved in the fight against HIV/AIDS following the Millennium Development Goals set up during the Millennium Summit. The governments are required to make strategies that address the prevent ion, accessibility of health check care, prevention of mother to child and enhancement towards research and cure of the disease.Capable governments have also been requested to make contributions into the global fund which will assist in the fight against HIV/AIDS in developing countries. Developing countries too have realized the impact of HIV/AIDS on their economies and they are plan of attack up with policies to address the pandemic.The challenges however arise where the governments are willing but they cannot afford to fund the required projects. Global organizations such as the UNAIDS, IMF, World vernacular and USAID are chipping in to assist the developing countries.Developed countries and especially America have been on the fore front in trash HIV/AIDS in low and middle income countries especially in Africa where the pandemic has hit hard. These countries that provide funding for the low and middle income countries are known as bestower countries.To further demonstrate th e efforts that governments are putting in the fight against HIV/AIDS and to justify their roles in the fight, this study makes use of three countries that have made very significant efforts. The United States has been ranked top in the fight against HIV/AIDS especially due to its involvement internationally.Canada and France have also displayed a similar passion to contribute to the fight against HIV/AIDS through participation in various campaigns and through funding of organizations involved in HIV/AIDS control and prevention.The United States has been very keen on the fight against HIV/AIDS making it a top priority in its national policies. The government funds both private and public organizations in the country to fight against HIV/AIDS. Apart from supporting the fight against HIV/AIDS at bottom the country, U.S also funds international bodies in the fight against HIV.The U.S government through its numerous partnerships with organizations in Sub-Saharan Africa has been actively involved in the fight against HIV/AIDS. US made the largest contribution in Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria with their contribution making up about 33% of the total contribution.The U.S has mostly made use of PEPFAR and USAID to make their contribution in the fight against HIV/AIDS both in America and other parts of the world.The government of the United States made a breakthrough initiative when it came up with the United States presidents Emergency Relief for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). This organization has played significant roles in the world through funding of projects of improvement of treatment and care of HIV patients.More details about PEPFAR will be described below. US have also been fighting the pandemic through USAID which is the principal government agency that extends help to other countries. At least $7 billion has been spent by USAID to fight HIV/AIDS. USAID is one of the partners of the Presidents Emergency Plan for Aids Relief in the U.S.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Rizal Life Reaction
One of the strengths of Jose Rizal is the incorporation of the characters of Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo in the life of Rizal and of the Filipinos in general. This only shows that the two books are reflections of the lives of the Filipinos during the Spanish regime. But the thought and noble ideas of the book do not only live in the past but also in the make manifesting the universality and immortality of Rizals ideas. The beautiful transition of Rizals time and the setting of the two novels is really impressive.One must harbour really read the books to better appreciate the delineation Jose Rizal. While watching the film, I cannot help but relate Rizal to Crisostomo/Simoun, Leonor to Maria Clara. Rizal and Crisostomo both came from a well-off family. Both of them studied in Europe. Both have dedicated their life to free their people from oppression. And then theres a scene where Leonor was walking down the aisle and Maria Clara singing in the nunnery.Both were locked up -the causality to a person whom she does not love the latter to a place, which seems to be a dead ending. Maria Clara jumping off from the bell tower is her guidance to get out, her way towards salvation. The film also works through a series of flashback demonstrate Rizal as a genius, a writer, a doctor, an artist, a lover, a friend, a brother and a son, thus giving a rich texture of Rizals character. I also commend the film for its bravery in showing the evil tyranny of the Catholic Church during that time.Considering that the Philippines is a Catholic nation, that is like butchering a sacred cow but alas, Abaya works her magic in depicting the suffering of the Filipinos because of the friars. I particularly love the last scene of the film when Rizal, excellently played by Cesar Montano by the way, fell in the prove facing the sky, having his last breath looking at a beautiful sunrise- a metaphor depicting that Rizal did not die in vain.He did not die defeated because his deat h is the torch that lights Philippine independence, that ignites Philippine Revolution. This is more apparent in the scene where Simoun (a character in El Filibusterismo) appeared to Rizal telling him to rescript the story. Rizal wrote and an imaginary explosion happened. A burst of light and flame overwhelmed the screen. In a way that has been the legacy of Rizal-bringing light to the Filipinos. He died victorious because in the end his memory and legacy remain forever.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Automated Sales and Inventory System Essay
2.1 Background of Study entropy ashes is a collection of hardw are, software and people that work to describeher to collect, store, and sort and process information. From the very soonest moments in the modern history of the computer, the people and the business world have witnessed the continuous adoptment and growth of computer system of rules that take ins meeting the goal of Information applied science. We have the completely new world of information and communication readily available through computer.With its excellent standards the proponents decided to come up with this proposal which visualiseing was to provide quality customer overhaul in the business, design a system that monitor report, can the quantity of fund items, can determine rate or increaseion point, can generate report, can check the critical level of a product, This study would surely benefit the proprietor of Muella handicraft.Mr.Muella the owner of Muella Trading has knowledge in terms of hardware because he already worked at Hardware Company. With that knowledge the proprietor decided to had own business. The business started on February 8, 2009 at Guinobatan Albay by Mr. Eugine Muella and Mrs. Marites Napili Muella.The mention company has 4 employees/ laborer. That company has four category in terms of product they retail the electrical, plumbing, hardware and products use for construction.For almost dickens years in the industry the proprietor are exploitation the manual roll system. With this kind of system the process of their transactions are very windy and it is a time consuming to their business transactions. This is the main reason why they decided to shift from manual to automated sales and inventory system. The shifting of inventory was made possible by the proponents to make the daily transactions of the company faster, easier and more accurate. The system helps them to eliminate problems on sales, storage and retrieval of inventory information for the inve ntory status. 2.2 Statement of the Problem2.0 Methodology of the studyAgile is a practice-based methodology for modelling and documentation of software-based systems. It is intended to be a collection of values, principles, and practices for example software that can be applied on a software development project in a more flexible manner than conventional Modelling methods. It is a built on the foundation of iterative development. Karthiksangi2009 The Home Page of Karthiksangi http// proponents used agile as their method in developing the system because of its phases, which is suited in developing the propose system.RequirementsThe first step in the Agile Modelling is to identify some high-level requirements as well as the scope of the release. The requirements within an agile process are more or less suggestions, and are open to more conversation by the team during separate phases. The Agile method is more adaptable to changes in re quirements as the project grows. The proponents identify first the minimum and general requirements of the system they will be develop and they conducted an interview to the company so that it would helped them in getting information about the requirements that needed in developing the system.Architecture and DesignThe goal of the architecture and design phase is to try to identify an architecture that has a good chance of working. The design is derived in a modelling session, in which issues are explored, until the team is pleasant that they understand what needs to be delivered.The proponents designed a informationbase which is suited and capable for the system they developed and defined the attri hardlyes, information entry and relationship of them. In connector with this, the proponents created a Graphical User Interface designed that can allow users to interact with the system.DevelopmentThe system is delivered incrementally over time, in small mental facultys that have a djacent business value, rather than building and then delivering a system in a ace big bang release. By focusing development on smaller modules, agile projects are able to control costs despite the seeming lack of planning.The proponents create, design and develop a propose system they studying. In this phase the proponent still in developing part and they more concentrating and focusing on creating a small module which is really required to that system.3.0 brush up of Related StudiesClick software ancestry SystemIt is a highly configurable system designed to improve warehouse operations. The system helps manage item overtop configuration and defines stock locations, monitors item quantity, location and status of inventory as well as related shipping, receiving, picking and put-away process information. The system is capable of providing autoloading(prenominal) identification using barcodes for inventory objects which include any type of physical assets, tools and supplies, spa re parts, raw materials, finished goods, and machines.This system reduces warehouse cost and improves customer service by speeding up the goods handling process, providing transparent and accurate inventory data, improves your resource planning resulting to increased productivity and decreased labor costs.Retail and Inventory SystemThis inventory system enables maintenance and processing of sales, purchases and inventory data to prepare transactions, documents and generate reports. It provides information useful to decision making regarding sales, purchases and inventory monitoring. This system organizes your inventory transaction and provides useful audit trails of inventory movements, details and histories to allow improved control over your investment. The features of the systems are the system has a highly take prisoner password.The system maintains item profile, customer profile, supplier profile. The purchases facilities include purchase items and purchase return. The system as well as design a sales facilities include sales Items and sales exchange. The system has report facilities that include transaction list and POS retail reports.In relation of this the proponents got an idea that it would help them in development of the system they develop. Both inventory system have a good and wonderful features that the proponents can use in there system such as highly security of the computer program that would benefit the management of the company because if it is highly security the more secure of system and other features that would also benefit not only for the management but to the other users also.4.0 Theoretical FrameworkDatabase Management System (DBMS)The theory on database management become the foundation in creating the storage of records in propose system. A database management system (DBMS) is a program that lets one or more user create and access data in database. It manages user request so that user and other programs are free from having to u nderstand where the data are physically located, and in a multi-user system that else will also be accessing the data. In handling user requests, the DBMS ensures the integrity of the data. In handling user request, the DBMS ensures the integrity of the data. (That is making sure it continues to be accessible and is consistently organise as intended) and its security (making sure that only those with access privilege can access the data) A DBMS can be thought of as a file manager that manages data in database rather than files in file system. In IBMs main frame in operation(p) system, the number retrieval data managers are known as access methods. A DBMS is usually an inherent part of a database product. On PCs Microsoft Access is a popular example of a single or small group user DBMS. Microsoft SQL Server is an example of a DBMS that enables a user to store, vary and extract information from a database. WOOD2007Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)RDBMS is a type of data base management system that stores in the form of related tables. Relational database is healthy because it requires little assumption about how data are related or how this data will be extracted from the database. An beta of relational system is that a single database can be spread across several tables. This differs from flat file database, in which each database is self- contained in a single table. Almost full-scale database systems are RDBMS. Small database system, however, use other designs that provide less flexibility in posing queries. CASH2005Data SecurityComputer system secures the records from unauthorized users and protects the data from loss. The proponents see to it that all the records stored in the database are unspoilt and protected. Therefore, they made use of the applications based from theory, data security. Data security is means of ensuring that the data are kept safe from corruption and that access to its suitably controlled. Thus, data security helps t o ensure privacy and protection thats why most computer system adopts security measures that imply data encryption and password. Data encryption is the transmission of data into from that is unintelligible without a deciphering mechanism. A password is a secret word or forge that gives a user access to particular program or system.WOOD2007 NetworkingNetworking is a system that transmits any combinations of voice, video and data between users. The network includes the network operating system in the client and server machines connecting them and all supporting hardware in between such as bridges, routers and switches in wireless systems, antennas and towers are also part of a network. In Information technology, a network is a series of points or nodes interconnected by communication path. The most common topographic anatomy is the bus, star, token ring and mesh topologies. Network can also be categorized in terms of spatial distance as Local stadium networks (LANs), Metropolitan a rea Network (MANs) and Wide Area Networks (WANs). A given network can also characterized by the type of data transmission technology used (for example a TCP/IP or system networks architectures) by whether it carries voices, data, both kind of signals by user (Private of Public) by the usual spirit of its connectives (dial up or switched, dedicated or no switch or virtual connections) by the type of physical link (for example optical fiber, coaxal cable and unshielded twisted pair.) STI2002Back-up and RestoreStoring back up copies of software data back -up and having back up computer and communication capabilities are important basic safeguard because the data can then be restored if they are altered or destroyed by a computer crime or accident. Computer data should be backed up frequently and should be restored nearby in secure locations in case of damage at the indigenous site. Transporting sensitive data to storage locations should also be done securely. HOIST20045.0 Data Gather ing Procedures and Analysis OutputOn data gathering procedures the proponents conducted a transfer interview to the company of Muella Trading. Based from that interview, the proponents where able to know the existing problem of a company. They also conducted research and review from thesis projects of STI Legaspi. The proponents also surfed to the internet to get and gather some information which is related for the study After gathering, the proponents got possible solution to solve the existing problem met by the company in using the manual inventory system. Through the help of those data that the proponents gathered, they analyse how it will apply in developing the system.6.0 Documentation of the contemporary system6.1 Description of the current systemUser InformationIn this module the admin can create, edit, activate, deactivate and delete user account, including all their information but deleting data is not require or not good because if theres an animalise in the program or the system you can easily retrieve and check of those data and also for other purposes. In this module again the user can create another account but again only the admin has an authorize to do that.Supplier InformationThe proponents create a module that the admin can add, edit and delete supplier information. To make the user easier to find and view the suppliers the proponents put there an search button. The user can search by supplier code or by name.Product InformationThis module can add, edit, and delete the product information. The admin also can add category like construction, plumbing, paint and everything that the hardware has. In this module also they can add supplier, view list of the holy product as well as the supplier of that product the selling and supplier price, including percentage of the vat and promos.Point of Sale (POS)In this module the admin and the storyteller only has a right to access and give or issue a transaction. In one transaction you can add item as many as you can including its unit, quantity and the prize. When someone needs to delete item because of error the proponents put a security password for securing the transaction. It computes the total cadence of sales of the transaction the discount, the amount given of the customer and computes the change. The product into the database decreases.Purchase OrderThe company purchase their product in different supplier. In this module you can identify the products that in a critical level so with this the owner of company can easily determine the product need to be orders. The proponents also include the total amount the product they order.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
3 Songs and a Creed
Engineer Song Pin the castle on my collar, Ive done my training for the team. You can call me an engineer soldier, The contendrior spirit has been my dream. Essayons, whether in war or peace, We will bear our red and our white. Essayons, we serve America, And the U. S. phalanx Corps of Engineers. Essayons Essayons 1st panoplied Division March Iron Soldiers, Old Ironsides 1st Armored Division, honor and pride Guarding Freedom, we are proud to be Americas Tank force, Steel Victory With that Iron Patch, worn on my sleeve I follow those who, fought for LibertyAlways ready, for peace we strive Iron Soldiers, Old Ironsides The Army Song First to fight for the right, And to build the nations competency And the Army goes rolling along. Proud of all we have done, Fighting till the battle won, And the Army goes rolling along. Then its HI HI Hey The Armys on its way. Count off the cadence loud and strong For where are we go, You will always know, That the Army Goes ROLLING ALONG. Soldiers C reed I am an American Soldier I am a warrior and a member of a team. I serve the people of the United States and the live theArmy values. I will always place the mission first. I will never accept defeat. I will never quit. I will never kick in a fallen comrade. I am disciplined, physically, and mentally tough, Trained and proficient in my warrior task and drills. I will always maintain my arms, my equipment and my Self. I am an expert and I am a professional. I stand ready to deploy, engage, and destroy the Enemies of the United States of America in close Combat. I am a guardian of freedom and the American way of Life. I AM AN AMERICAN SOLDIER.
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