Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Management research SPSS data analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Management research SPSS data analysis - Essay Example The results show that the satisfaction mean is higher than the commitment mean as shown in table 1. This means that on average employees of SCP are more satisfied than committed. Results on reliability of items in each scale show that items in both satisfaction and commitment are highly reliable (Alpha=0.953 & 0.965) respectively. Table 1: Summary statistics for satisfaction and commitment Mean Standard deviation Cronbach's Alpha N of Items Satisfaction 43.276 13.231 0.953 10 Commitment 37.287 13.239 0.965 10 Examining the distribution of initial output Table 2, presents summary results of initial output and it can be noted that the average initial output is 2207.632 units per month with a very high variability. Figure 1 show the distribution of initial output and it looks approximately normal with one possible extreme value. A formal test for normality presented in table 3 show that the distribution of initial output is significantly normal (p-value=0.222). Table 2: Summary statisti cs of initial output Initial output Value Mean 2207.632 Median 2195 Mode 1925.00(a) Std. Deviation 280.7786 Skewness 0.253 Std. Error of Skewness 0.247 Kurtosis -0.09 Std. Error of Kurtosis 0.49 a Multiple modes exist, the smallest value is shown Figure 1: Distribution of initial output Table 3: Test for normality of initial output Tests of Normality      Kolmogorov-Smirnov(a) Shapiro-Wilk  Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig. Initial output 0.052 95 .200 0.991 95 0.743 Possibility of outlying observation was checked and table 4 presents the five extreme z scores for initial output. None of the Z score is larger than 3.29 in absolute values so we can say that there are no outlying initial output values. However there is a Z score of 3.07 which might be of no harm to check the original dataset to confirm the true value (Field, 2009, p. 74). Table 4: Cases of extreme z scores for initial output Extreme Values    Case Number Value Z-score(initial outp ut) Highest 1 58 3.07135 2 74 1.89604 3 98 1.86043 4 7 1.75358 5 61 1.68235 Lowest 1 3 -2.1819 2 85 -1.91479 3 55 -1.91479 4 37 -1.59425   5 89 -1.52302 A one-sample t-test was conducted to examine if â€Å"initial output†significantly differs from the national average of 2300 units per month. The result was very significant (p-value=0.002) implying that the average initial output at SCP is significantly lower than the national average of 2300. Table 5: One sample T test One-Sample Test      Test Value = 2300 t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Upper Initial output -3.206 94 0.002 -92.3684 -149.566 -35.1709 Examining the distribution of final output The average final output was 2308.177 which is higher than the average for initial outcome presented in table 1. There is also high variability around this estimate. The distribution of final output as presented in figure 2 seems normal with two possible outlying observations. Z scores were used to assess outlying observations and the results show that there is one outlier (Z score=3.36675). Since I was unable to check if this outlier was as a result of data entry, I assumed it was not and it was replaced by the next highest score plus one. Table 6: Summary statistics for final output Final output Value Mean 2308.177 Median 2320 Mode 2120 Std.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Crevecoueur’s - What is an American Essay Example for Free
Crevecoueur’s What is an American Essay Crevecoueur, in his essay ‘What is an American’ attempts to carve out a unique identity for the ‘American’, an identity that would unify the dwellers of this sprawling country under one roof while at the same time it establishes its differences from Europe from where it derives most of its numbers. Crevecoueur describes the country as the great melting pot of the world, a place where a truly diverse set of people come together and forgetting religious, social, economic, national as well as linguistic differences are molten into one, that is, an American. The process of becoming one forgetting all differences involves the common pursuit of what has since then come to be known as ‘the American Dream’. America, the land of equality, liberty and opportunity welcomes every new arrival on its shores with open arms. The new arrival, in his/her turn, grateful for all that this new country has to offer, internalizes the American Dream, and in the midst of his/her pursuit of an honest, respectable, free and happy life becomes an American leaving his/her previous identity behind. The concept that is America has come a very long way from the time of Crevecoueur. Now, the ‘American’ identity in the guise of a ‘green card’ is perhaps the most sought after throughout the world. Being an ‘American’ is no longer just an opportunity to be grabbed freely, it is privileged bestowed upon the best and brightest from all over the world. However, some things never change. America still remains the great melting pot of the world. Even more so in the present, for unlike in Crevecouer’s times, it is not only the Europeans or different sects of Christianity that arrive at the shores of this ‘land of dreams’ but people from every possible nation and belonging to every possible religion co-habit in peace sharing in on the modern day versions of the ‘American Dream’.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
very detailed renaissance report :: essays research papers
Renaissance background report. The word renaissance means â€Å"rebirth†or â€Å"reconstruction†, The Renaissance era was a time for the revival of learning. The Renaissance took place during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries; it was a period in which artistic, social, scientific, and political thought turned in new directions. As part of the culture or beliefs that existed in the renaissance ages, baths were only taken when prescribed by a doctor because it was believed that water would open pores allowing bacteria to enter causing diseases such as the plague. Scented linens and sponges were used to hide smells that followed such horrible hygiene. Water was only used on the hands and face or for very refined women of that time. Toilets were simply just cubes in wood or stone with a whole in the middle of it, and were usually found near the stairs in a dark corner to keep smells away from the houses. As crazy as it may sound, it was a great belief that the moon and the sun had to do with the organs of the people during this time. Jewels were often used to help heal and gold was often used against leprosy. Clothing of the renaissance was very unique; the materials often used were sheep’s wool, mohair, plant fibers from the cotton plant, and silk. For color, natural materials became ground colors: brown, white, cream, or black. For shades of brown, red or orange, the Madder root was used. Embroidery included running, chain stitches, or a buttonhole. Dangling jewelry and tassels added color and movement to many of the costumes worn at that time. Renaissance men as well as women wore extraordinary clothing decorated with gold and precious jewels. During this period a person’s wealth was shown by the amount of gems sewn onto his clothing. Changing shirts was considered to be bathing since water was rarely used for hygiene, and by the end of the 15th century changing shirts became a daily act. During the Renaissance one of the main foods was bread. To start off every meal, toast would be eaten. Shortly after the bread was eaten porridge or salad is served followed by a very large roast. It was not common to drink mineral water because it was thought to be very unhealthy. People of the renaissance ate hearty meals and drank milk or wine. Servants were often times used to taste the food of important people because of the possibility of it being poisoned.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Case Study Tacoma Narrows Bridge Essay
In what ways were the project planning and scope management for this project appropriate and when did they begin taking unknowing or unnecessary risks? Discuss the issue of project constraints and other unique aspects of the bridge in the risk management process. Did the project managers take them sufficiently into consideration? Why or why not? At the time of this project there was not much know about the dynamic factors about as Suspensions Bridge so the management and planning for this project was appropriate. It had always been taken for granted in bridge building that static (vertical) load and mass of large structures were enough to protect them. The Planners took unknowing risks when the open girders in the bridge’s sides were substituted with flat, solid girders that would catch the wind and make the bridge sway from side to side. One distinguishing feature that led to its â€Å"sway to destruction†was the bridge’s small width-to-length ratio; the bridge was incredibly narrow for its length also its topographic location made it very prone to high winds. These risks were never taken into consideration at the time. Project managers did not take them sufficiently into consideration since at the time was not much known about the dynamic factors. Conduct either a qualitative or quantitative risk assessment on this project. Identify the risk factors that you consider most important for the suspension bridge construction. How would you consider assess the riskiness of this project? Why? The most important risk factors are the width-to-length ratio of the bridge, the bridge’s side girders replaced with flat, solid girders, which did not allow the wind to pass through the bridge, and the location of the bridge.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Symptoms of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Medical history has been filled with an array of diseases and illnesses, ranging from the common cold to deadly killers. Some are easily treatable and others can be terminal, but some of the worst are those that still remain without a cure; one such disease is amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS, is a degenerative disease affecting the human nervous system. It is a deadly disease that cripples and kills its victims due to a breakdown in the body's motor neurons. Motor neurons are nerve cells in the brainstem and spinal cord that control muscle contractions. In ALS, these neurons deteriorate to a point that all movement, including breathing, halts. Muscle weakness first develops in the muscles of body parts distant from the brain, such as the hands, and subsequently spreads through other muscle groups closer to the brain. Such early symptoms as this, however, can hardly be noticed. Early symptoms of ALS are very slight and often overlooked. They begin as simple things, such as tripping or dropping things. Twitching or cramping of muscles and abnormal fatigue of the arms and legs may soon follow, causing difficulty in daily activities, such as walking or dressing. In more advanced stages, however, shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing and swallowing ensue, until the body is completely taken over by the disease. Intellect, eye motion, bladder function, and sensation are the only abilities spared. Where and how this deadly disease originated is unknown, but it was first identified in 1869, by the noted French neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot. ALS is not contagious, but research is still vague on the cause of the disease. Today, there are three recognized forms of ALS: genetic, sporadic, and Guamanian. The genetic form of ALS appears to be inherited or passed down within a family, and about ten percent of ALS patients have a family history of the disease. An abnormal gene has been located in about half these families, but the cause of the remaining half is still unknown. The next, most common form, is sporadic ALS. These patients have no family history of disease, and the cause of their coming down with ALS is a mystery. Finally, is Guamanian ALS, called this because a high percentage of cases occur in the Pacific Islands near Guam. One major reason ALS is such a frightening disease is because no cure has been established. Although no effective treatment has been developed, a number of drug trials have been conducted, and there are some devices designed to help ALS patients maintain independence as well as safety as the disease progresses. These devices include ankle or foot braces, cervical collars, and reclining chairs. Since there is no cure, however, the primary treatment is for management of symptoms. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is also a difficult disease to diagnose, primarily because no one test can definitely establish if the disease is present. A diagnosis includes most, if not all, of the following procedures: electrodiagnostic tests, blood and urinary study, thyroid and parathyroid hormone levels, spinal tap and imaging, and muscular or nerve biopsy. Most who develop ALS are between the ages of forty and seventy years of age, although cases have been reported of victims in their twenties and thirties. It was once thought to be a rare disease, but studies have shown that about 5,000 people in the United States are newly-diagnosed with ALS each year–about 13 new cases a day! It isn estimated that about 100,000 people who are apparently well in the country today will die with ALS. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is also popularly known as Lou Gehrig disease. Lou Gehrig was a famous baseball player in the 1930's for the New York Yankees. Once known as baseball's â€Å"Ironman†, Lou Gehrig was truly a sports legend. His promising career came to a screeching halt, however, when he was diagnosed with ALS. The disease not only took away his career in baseball, but his life; Lou Gehrig died at the young age of thirty-eight. In conclusion, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a deadly and frightening disease; its victims cannot be saved. Someday, hopefully, a cure will be developed, and the suffering this disease is causing will be stopped.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
25 Things Every Teacher Wants From Their Stakeholders
25 Things Every Teacher Wants From Their Stakeholders Teachers often make do with what they have and are happy with any credit they receive. They are not teachers because of the money or the glory. They simply want to be known as difference makers. Their jobs are not easy, but there are many things that others can do to make their jobs easier. Teachers want several things from their students, parents, administration, other teachers, and the local community. Many of these things are easy to comply with, yet stakeholders often fail to fulfill these simple requests that could make each teacher tremendously better than they are. So what do teachers want? They want something different from each of the stakeholder groups that they deal with on a daily basis. These are basic and simple requests that when unfilled frustrates teachers, limits effectiveness, and keeps them from maximizing student potential. Here, we examine twenty-five things that teachers want that would boost student learning and improve teacher effectiveness significantly across all classrooms. What Do Teachers Want..........From Students? Teachers want students to come to class each day ready to learn. They want them to come prepared, focused, and motivated. They want students to enjoy the learning process and to be active participants in the learning process.Teachers want students to be respectful. They want students to respect their authority. They want students to respect each other. They want students to respect themselves. A respectful and trusting environment allows teachers to maximize learning opportunities each day.Teachers want students to understand that the concepts they are teaching them are meaningful. They want their students to make real-life connections. They want their students to see the big picture and to understand that they truly are there because they want to make a difference.Teachers want students to be critical thinkers. They want students who desire to understand the process of finding the answer as much as the answer itself. They want students who are not lazy and are as invested in learnin g as the teacher is in teaching. Teachers want students to recognize individual strengths and weaknesses. They want students to apply their strengths so that others in the class can learn from them. They want students to be aware of their weaknesses and to make a continuous effort to improve upon those weaknesses. What Do Teachers Want..........From Parents? Teachers want parents to understand that they genuinely have their child’s best interest in mind. They want parents to understand that they are not out to get their child. They want parents to see them as the educational expert that can provide their child with a quality education.Teachers want parents to communicate their concerns appropriately. Teachers do not want parents to avoid or skirt around an issue. They want an open, trusting relationship with parents so they can figure out the best approach for teaching the student together.Teachers want parents to support them. They want parents to take them at their word and not to question their motives. They want parents to support and reinforce classroom management strategies which they have in place. They want parents who will volunteer to help out in any area help may be needed.Teachers want parents to be involved with their child’s education. They want parents to take an active role in the education of their child. T hey want parents who will ensure that all homework gets done and that the child is getting plenty of rest so that they will be alert in class each day. Teachers want parents to value education. They want parents to stress the importance of education from an early age. They want parents to read with their children each night, to help with homework, and to challenge them academically. What Do Teachers Want..........From the Administration? Teachers want administrators to have their back in difficult situations. This includes student discipline, disagreements with parents, or confrontation with another faculty member. Teachers want to feel like their administrator(s) will listen to their side and back them if the evidence supports them.Teachers want administrators to provide them with adequate resources. Teachers understand that money can be tight for schools, but there are certain resources that they must have. If a teacher finds a resource that they believe will benefit all students, then they expect the administration to find a way to fund it.Teachers want administrators to provide encouragement and advice. Most teachers appreciate honest, accurate evaluations. They want to be encouraged when things get difficult and often need advice in those situations.Teachers want administrators to understand what they are doing in their classrooms entirely. This is true, especially for great teachers. They want their administrat or(s) to know what they are doing in their classroom because they are proud of it. Teachers want administrators to communicate clear expectations. They want to understand school policy and procedures that affect themselves. Teachers want administrators to clarify and explain the district’s expectations with issues such as classroom management, student learning, and communication. What Do Teachers Want..........From Other Teachers? Teachers want other teachers to be professional. They do not expect other teachers to talk about them with their students, a parent, or another faculty member. They expect other teachers to value their opinion. They expect other teachers to adhere to the policies of the district.Teachers want other teachers to collaborate. They value other teachers’ opinions. They want them to share best practices and offer advice. They want a strong working relationship with other teachers in which they feel comfortable to share frustrations and success stories.Teachers want other teachers to be supportive. They want to know that other teachers believe that they are doing a terrific job. They want to know that their peers believe they are an effective teacher who does a solid job in preparing their students.Teachers want other teachers to be unified. They want other teachers to have the same general philosophy of educating students. They want to build relationships with other teachers that go beyond the walls of the school. Teachers want other teachers to respect differences. They want other teachers to understand that there is no one way to teach. They want them to understand that education would be boring if every teacher was the same. They want other teachers to steal brilliant ideas being used in their classroom and to apply it to their own. What Do Teachers Want..........From Community Members? Teachers want community members to get involved. They want them to volunteer to help in classrooms, read a book to students, or help with a fundraiser. They want them to donate money to projects that they are doing. They want them to offer their services in any capacity that they would be able to help.Teachers want community members to share their mission and vision. They want them to pass bond issues. They want them to sit on school committees to gain their perspective and insight. They want them to take ownership of what the school is doing.Teachers want community members to understand the value of education. They want them to externalize the importance of a good education. They want education to be a high priority in their community. They want them to understand that the education the school is providing will have a significant impact on their future.Teachers want community members to be proud of their school. They want them to know that they have excellent teachers. They want the m to be proud of the facilities. They want them to celebrate in student achievements in academics, athletics, and other extracurricular activities. Teachers want community members to stay involved. They do not want community members to disappear once their children are no longer in school. They want them to stay involved in the process. They believe that there is power in continuity.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Essay on Applied Project Management part 4
Essay on Applied Project Management part 4 Essay on Applied Project Management part 4 Essay on Applied Project Management part 4Essay on Applied Project Management  part 3Milestones and an activity scheduleThe development and implementation of the project will pass through several key stages, milestones that determine outcomes of the project. The first milestone is the elaboration of goals, mission and vision of the project. The second milestone is the identification of resources required for the project, elaboration of the plan and design of the project. The third milestone is the creation of the new sport nutrition. The fourth milestone is fundraising for the project. After that, the company can start recruiting professionals to complete the project and construct the production facilities. One more milestone is distribution. The company has to distribute its product successfully. Finally, monitoring and control are also crucial for the successful accomplishment of the project.The company can use existing developments in the field of sport nutrition as the grou nd for the production of its new sport nutrition. In addition, the company can use the growing interest of customers to sports and the popularity of sport in New York to introduce its new sport nutrition successfully.What I have learned from this course (no more than 250 words).Scope: The work on the project has contributed to the development of my project management skills and abilities. The work on the project was a valuable experience for me since I have learned how to work on real world projects through the development of the project of my own that can be implemented in the real world. At the same time, the work on the project has revealed the full extent to which the clear and accurate identification of the scope of the research is crucial for the overall success of the project. To put it more precisely, I have found out that the clear identification of the scope of the research determines resources required for the project, goals that are achievable in terms of the proposed pr oject and development of effective systems of management and control over the project. In such a way, the scope of the study may have the determinant impact on the project. On the other hand, the adequate assessment of the scope of the project allows developing effective strategies and policies that can help to complete the project successfully and overcome numerous challenges that may arise in the course of the implementation of the project.Assignment 2The project focuses on the introduction of the new sport nutrition that will involve the recruitment of the personnel, the construction of the production facilities, promotion and establishment of the communication between the company and the target customer group.ScopeThe scope of the project is broad in terms of the target customer group but limited in terms of the area, where the project will be implemented. To put it more precisely, the new sport nutrition focuses not only on professional sportspersons as other sport nutrition pr oducts do, but also on amateurs, who practice sports intensively (Hill, 1997). In such a way, the project aims at broadening the scope of the implementation of sport nutrition products to the particular customer group. The focus on broader customer groups opens new opportunities for the successful implementation of the project of the introduction of the new sport nutrition. At the same time, the project will be implemented in the New York City, New York, US only, while the further implementation of the project in other large cities of the US with the possible entry to international markets will be possible, only in case of the success of the project in the US. In such a way, the physical area of the implementation of the project is limited to New York only.TimeThe time of the implementation of the project comprises three months, in the course of which the project may be implemented from the launch of the production of the sport nutrition to the introduction of the product in the mar ket. Along with the launch of the production, the company will need to promote the new product in the market. In this regard, the project may involve the celebrity endorsement as the core of the promotional strategy. The involvement of the professional sportsman into the promotion of the new product will help to reach the target customer group faster and to enhance the position of the company in the market through the rise of the customer awareness of the new brand and its confidence in the reliability, effectiveness and safety of the new product. In fact, the popular sportsman involved in the project will create a positive brand image, attract the target customer group and help the company to gain the customer confidence in possibly shorter terms. After the promotion, the company can introduce the new sport nutrition in the market because the target customer group will be ready to buy the new product. After the first introduction of the new product, the company should conduct the a nalysis of the performance of the new sport nutrition in the market in a month after the first introduction of the product. The first month sale rates will show whether the introduction of the new sport nutrition was successful or not.CostThe costs of the project involve costs of the production, promotion and the maintenance of the production process (Cerza, 2004). In addition, the project involves costs spent on the development of the customer relationship and enhancement of the position of the new product in the market through active promotion, enhancement of the quality and potential of the market expansion through the increase of the productionIn such a way, the rise of costs in the course of time is the result of the increased of production, but the growing costs are expected to be covered by the growing revenues from the project.Quality managementThe quality management is crucial for the overall success of the project. The quality management involves the creation of the new sp ort nutrition, which is safe and of the high quality and matches target features. Therefore, the project will need to involve the development of the new product, which may be based on existing technological achievements in the field of nutrition. The quality of the new sport nutrition should be controlled with the help of the automated system that ensures the high quality of products due to the accurate control and analysis of the quality of products manufactured by the company. In addition, the high quality of the new sport nutrition is supposed to be achieved due to the high level of the automation of the production process. The automation of the production contributes to the higher quality of the product compared to the wider use of the manual labor.RisksThe development and implementation of the project involves several risks. First of all, the project may raise the risk of the failure of the new sport nutrition to obtain FDA’s certification. In fact, such risk is relative ly low since the modern technology allows developing safe sport nutrition of the high quality. Another risk is the possible failure of the celebrity endorsement strategy for the promotion of the new sport nutrition. For example, a scandal involving the popular sportsman sponsoring the project can make the celebrity endorsement ineffective or even harmful for the public image of the new brand. In this regard, the company may shift from the celebrity endorsement strategy to conventional ways of promotion, including advertisements online, placed on specialized sport websites, specialized print media and other methods.Furthermore, the risk of the tight competition affects consistently the implementation of the project. For example, if the competition turns out to be higher than forecasted in terms of the project, then the project may fail or, at least, face considerable difficulties in the course of its implementation. This is why the plan of the project implementation should include al ternatives based on the pessimistic forecasts concerning the competition and possible pressure from the part of the major rivals that already operate in the market.Human resources managementHuman resource management plays one of the most significant roles in the development and implementation of the project. In this regard, human resource management will be under the responsibility of the human resource manager employed by the company. The human resource manager will be responsible for the recruitment of employees, their training and professional development. Human resource management will focus on the professional development of employees to ensure the high quality of products delivered to customers. Human resource management will motivate employees to maximize the effectiveness of their performance because the effectiveness of each employee contributes to the overall effectiveness of the company. In addition, the high effectiveness of employees increases the cost-efficiency of the company.CommunicationThe communication is crucial for the success of the project. In this regard, it is necessary to distinguish internal and external communication in the course of the implementation of the project. The internal communication will involve the communication between professionals working within the company. In this regard, the human resource manager should maintain the effective communication between top executives and employees of the company. The internal communication should involve regular meetings of managers and employees to discuss current issues, possible problems and find ways to their resolution. Managers should provide employees with positive feedback to motivate them to enhance their performance. The external communication will involve the customer relationship management and communication between the company and customers. In this regard, the popular sportsman will be responsible for the development and maintenance of the communication with the target c ustomer group. The effective communication will allow the company to enhance its marketing position. The popular sportsman will be able to focus on sportspersons and persuade them to choose the new sport nutrition and use his authority to promote the new product not only among professional sportspersons but also among amateurs.ProcurementThe project will involve the supply of the equipment to launch the production of the new sport nutrition. In addition, the project may outsource the research and creation of the new nutrition. For instance, it is possible to hire scientists and nutritionists, who can create the target sport nutrition with the required features. In such a way, the project should involve the supply of those products and services that are required for the successful implementation of the project.Integration managementThe integration management is important in terms of the integration of all elements of the project plan and design and their successful implementation. In this regard, the role of the project manager is particularly significant for the integration of all elements of the project plan and design. The project management should take the lead and coordinate the work of all managers and employees involved in the project. The project manager will manage the entire project and coordinate actions of all participants of the project respectively to current needs and possible challenges.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
How to Find the Aquarius Constellation
How to Find the Aquarius Constellation The Aquarius constellation is one of several water-related star patterns in the sky. Take some time to look for this constellation in the night sky when it is most visible, starting in late October. Finding Aquarius Aquarius is visible from nearly the entire planet. It is bounded by several other constellations: Cetus (the sea monster), Pisces, Capricornus, Aquila, and Pegasus. Aquarius lies along the zodiac and ecliptic. A star chart showing Aquarius and three deep-sky objects. Carolyn Collins Petersen The Story of Aquarius The constellation Aquarius was once called The Great One (or GU LA in the Babylonian language). Aquarius was linked to the god Ea, a figure that frequently appears in Babylonian artifacts. Ea was often associated with the floods that regularly visited the Babylonian part of the Middle East. Like the Babylonians, the ancient Egyptians saw the constellation as a god associated with flooding. Hindus saw the star pattern as a water pitcher, and in ancient China, the constellation was interpreted as a water jar with a stream flowing away from it. The ancient Greeks had many tales about Aquarius, but mostly associated it with Ganymede, a Greek hero who ascended to Mount Olympus to serve as the cup-carrier to the gods. This depiction as a water-bearer stands to this day. The Stars of Aquarius In the official IAU chart of Aquarius, the figure of the water bearer is accompanied by a number of other stars that exist in this region. The brightest star is called alpha Aquarii and, like beta Aquarii, is a yellow supergiant star. They are G-type stars and are several times more massive than the Sun. Alpha Aquarii also has the name Sadalmelik, while beta is also called Sadalsuud. The official IAU constellation star chart. IAU/Sky Publishing One of the most fascinating stars in this constellation is R Aquarii, a variable star. R Aquarii is made up of a pair of stars: a white dwarf and another variable, which orbit each other once every 44 years. As they circle their common center of gravity, the white dwarf member pulls material from its partner. Eventually, some of that material erupts off the white dwarf, which causes the star to brighten considerably. The pair has a nebula of material surrounding it called Cederblad 211. The material in the nebula may be associated with the periodic outbursts that this star pair experiences. Image made from HST imagery of R Aquarii. The pair of stars is surrounded by material lost from one of the pair. STSCI/NASA/ESA/Judy Schmidt Avid meteor shower watchers may be familiar with the three showers that seem to emanate from Aquarius each year. The first is the Eta Aquariids, which on the 5th and 6th of May. This is the strongest of the three and can produce up to 35 meteors per hour. The meteors from this shower come from materials shed by Comet Halley as it travels through the solar system. The Delta Aquariids that peak twice: once on the 29th of July and again on the 6th of August. Its not quite as active as its sister shower in May, but still worth checking out. The weakest of the three is the Iota Aquariids, which peak on August 6th each year. Deep-sky Objects in Aquarius Aquarius is not close to the plane of the galaxy where many deep-sky objects exist, but it nevertheless sports a treasury of objects to explore. Observers with good telescopes and binoculars can find galaxies, globular cluster, and a few planetary nebulae. The globular cluster M2 can be seen with the naked eye under good conditions, and a telescope reveals much more detail. M2 is a tightly packed globular cluster. Its shown here in an image by Sean X. Curry. Sean X Curry, CC BY-SA 4.0 Also worth exploring is a pair of planetary nebulae called the Saturn Nebula and the Helix Nebula. These are the remains of stars in their death processes. In the not-too-distant past, they gently pushed their outer atmospheres off to space, leaving behind beautiful glowing clouds surrounding the leftovers of their progenitor stars. In a few thousand years, the clouds will dissipate, leaving behind a pair of cooling white dwarfs. The Helix Nebula as seen by HST and CTIO; bottom image is a 3D computer model of this dying star and its nebula. STScI/CTIO/NASA For a more challenging observation activity, sky-gazers can seek out the galaxy NGC 7727. It lies about 76 million light-years away from us. Professional astronomers are studying long streamers of gas that emanate from the galaxy, which is classified as a peculiar galaxy due to its odd shape. NGC 7727 is likely in the final stage of a galaxy merger, and will eventually become a large elliptical galaxy in the distant figure.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Acitivating creativity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Acitivating creativity - Essay Example Sadly though, not all people will go about this process in the same manner and with the same level of success and experience. In Rossman’s creativity model (1931), evidence of the different levels of activities and tasks involved in the activation of creativity is showed in a manner that depicts that there are as many as seven different processes that needs to be considered in a typical creative thinking process. The rate of success associated with each process determines that overall success with the activation of creativity. From his model, the processes are given as observation of a need or difficulty, analysis of the need, a survey of all available information, a formulation of all objective solutions, a critical analysis of solutions, the birth of the new idea (invention), and experimentation to test out the most promising solution (Rossman, 1931). Similarly, Wallas (1926) touches on a creativity process in a manner that gives an indication that creativity is not an event that takes place in a one off moment but undergoes the achievement of a series of tasks, which comes together to be collectively known as the creativity process. He though gives the process as indicated below. Through the outline above, seven major tasks will have to be completed including orientation, preparation, analysis, ideation, incubation, synthesis and evaluation. It is based on the foundations of these two major models that four series of assessments were carried out and presented in the following journal. With a different task to fulfil in each of the assessments, the various creativity processes that went into the fulfilment of each of the tasks have been completed below. Assessment 1 Assignment 1 was on conceptual photography and involved the taking of a photograph that was used in depicting more than what was seen in the image of the picture. That is to say that, conceptual photographs are used to express generalised concepts of events and process that take place and h appen all around us (Keller-Mathers, 2004). To accomplish this task, a picture of two people running a change of baton race was taken. The concept that was being examined in the photograph was the symbolism of the power of two. It is said in a Chinese proverb that if two people carry a single load, it does not hurt. What this means is that it always pays off to have a helping hand in any project or activity that a person is undertaking. It is not surprising that it is said in an England parable that two heads are better than one. When two people team up to accomplish a common task, there is much effectiveness and efficiency (Grivas, 1996). This is because there is the sharing of ideas and thoughts in a manner that makes exchanges of knowledge rapid and forthcoming. Studying the picture critically, it would be noted that a total of 400 meters was supposed to be completed in the race. Meanwhile, due to the limitation of the human ability in running such a distance, it would be difficu lt for any person to end the 400 meter race with the same level of speed that was started. But in completing a 100 meter race by the same person, the tendency to maintain the start up speed or even improve on it is higher. To this end, instead of allowing one person to do the entire 400 meters, four people team up to run 100 meters each. As a proof of the fact that team spirit brings results, the finishing time in the change of baton is better than when one person alone run the entire 400 meters. Assessment 2 Assignment 2 was carried out by the use of divergent thinking. That is, there was the use of exploration of many different possible solutions (Gonzalez, 2003). In essence, the resolve for a
What Does It Mean To Be Human Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
What Does It Mean To Be Human - Essay Example This has proactively made man tougher and has increased his quest to learn more about this world and break new grounds, more recently in the technological fields. How technology has shaped up the common day man’s beliefs and actions is something of an interesting discussion and one that will be studied in detail within this essay. To be human is a definitive plus and more so when man realizes that he has absolute control over the different technological regimes and undertakings, which then again have been developed by man alone. Man, machine and money might just be the real buzzwords when it comes to understanding the true technological basis but it is in fact quite a reality in the time and age of today. Without machines, and in essence, without the incorporation of technology coming to the rescue of man, there would be less advancement in the domains that have been discussed above. (Neumarkt, 2005) There would be issues for the people who have yet to understand what it feels like to be a true human, let alone a creature that has absolutely no parallels within the stretch of this galaxy. However it is man’s decipher of animals and plants to be somewhat below than the human beings’ position in this world that has put the whole discussion in a quandary. This is because man has destined for his ow n self to be the ultimate savior. Animals and plants, both of which constitute the living beings, are discarded as having the ‘germs’ to make it big within the worldly domains. And quite correctly so, for a multitude of reasons! From a technological standpoint, in an era where human progress is soaring at a dizzying rate, society must adapt its technology to solve current world issues. Technology has really changed the way in which different people are now making use of the same. One should believe that this is a world where the Internet, cell phones and notebook computers are becoming a necessity for proper living
Friday, October 18, 2019
Consent for medical treatment of a minor in the state of Nevada Case Study
Consent for medical treatment of a minor in the state of Nevada - Case Study Example NRS 432B.220 Persons required to make report. Any person who â€Å"knows or has reasonable cause to believe that a child has been abused or neglected†must make a report â€Å"to an agency which provides child welfare services or to a law enforcement agency†within 24 hours. Persons who are qualified to make reports include â€Å"a physician, †¦ resident, intern, professional or practical nurse†or any other of the several medical professions named. NRS 432B.260 Action upon receipt of report. â€Å"An agency which provides child welfare services or a law enforcement agency shall promptly notify the appropriate licensing authority; †¦ a law enforcement agency shall promptly notify an agency which provides child welfare services of any report it receives.†NRS 432B.270 Interview of child and sibling of child concerning possible abuse or neglect; photographs, X rays and medical tests. â€Å"A designee of an agency investigating a report of abuse or neglect of a child may, without the consent of the person responsible for a child’s welfare: (a) Take or cause to be taken photographs of the child’s body, including the areas of trauma; and (b) if indicated after consultation with a physician, cause X rays or medical tests to be performed on a child.†The rule further states that the person responsible for the child must be notified unless the agency designee deems such notification would endanger the child or the child’s siblings. In addition, NRS 432B.290 Authorized release of data or information states that â€Å"data or information concerning reports or investigations†of abuse or neglect may be made available to â€Å"a physician, if the physician has before him a child who he has reasonable cause to believe has been abused or
Ontemporary Issues in Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Ontemporary Issues in Management - Essay Example This essay Contemporary Issues in Management descusses new business management approaches, that involve the creation of new channels for shareholders, employees, and investors to question and contribute to CSR development. Stakeholders exist in every organisation whether it is profit or nonprofit. Stakeholders can be summarised as the people who form the internal and external environment of any organisation. Stakeholders are, in essence, the organisation. Consequently, it is important for organisations to understand the role played by stakeholders so that they can enhance it as well as improve their relations with them. The objective of this paper is to provide a critical evaluation of the role of stakeholders within CSR. Freeman’s stakeholder theory highlights and models the stakeholders of an organisation, and both defines and suggests methods by which senior management can duly recognise and address the interests of these entities. In summary, Freeman tries to address the à ¢â‚¬Å"who or what matters†concept. In the traditional perspective of the organisation – the shareholder perspective - the shareholders are the owners of the organisation and the company has an irrevocable fiduciary responsibility to prioritise their needs and enhance value for them. In previous input/output organisational models the company was expected to transform the contributions of employees, suppliers and investors into salable products that consumers purchase, hence providing some capital benefit to the organisation.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Light pollution and diurnal motion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Light pollution and diurnal motion - Essay Example The spectral lines between them showed two separable stars. The third part a very distinctive star that I saw was the contact binaries star. This kind of stars appear when two stars are close in separation that it is possible for tidal forces to come into play as described by Schneider & Arny in ``Binary stars`` (Pg. 4). Stars are not solid bodies, but rather they are made of gases, such stars are very hard to count but I could count about 10 different tiny types of stars around this kind of star. Due to curiosity of learning I moved some distance away from civilization and identified the same three stars. I realized that from a different view the visual binary number reduced to 35 stars around it and the spectroscopic star became more visible that I could see the two different stars clearly with around 8 small stars surrounding them. The contact binary was still the same. There was no clear visualising to count more stars than before. I carried out different test in tracking the location of the stars from the North Star in different times of the day. I realised that the main source of star movement is light waves and like any waves when they are emitted they move out in all directions with its centre is maintained at the centre. When the star moves away from the North Star it is seen as the absorption of or emission lines in spectrum (Schneider & Arny, 2013). The shifts in these cases depend with a lot of factors but the major one from my perspective is the atmospheric chang e and the stars formation. The spectroscopic star shifted further from the North Star than all the other stars followed by the contact
Staffing shortages and medication errors Research Paper
Staffing shortages and medication errors - Research Paper Example This shortage may be attributed to the fact that most nurses shun this job due to unfavorable working conditions in hospitals, nurses moving to outpatient care, managed care service and some into business. In addition, nursing does not attract many young applicants, thus the retiring nurses have no other people to replace them. In another dimension, nursing teachers are not paid well. This leads to less nurses taking up the teaching job, subsequently nursing schools enroll few students who will be well attended to by the few staff (Garrett, 2008). Research has proven that some of the leading causes of severe effects in inpatient care may be directly attributed to the current nursing shortage in hospitals. The result of understaffing of nurses may lead to medication errors that may end up causing deaths among patients. Shortage of nurses in hospitals leads to patient monitoring and pain checking being ignored. This comes about due to the fact that the few available nurses are being ov erwhelmed by their work, and may end up forgetting about other patients, something that may be fatal if the patients are in a critical state or may lack the time to conduct the routine check up on some patients (The point of care 2001). Shortage of nurses may also lead to the available workers being overworked by working overtime, something they cannot refuse due to the fact that according to the American Nursing Association, they are liable to losing their jobs or their working licenses being revoked. Due to overworking the nurses accumulate stress and fatigue may lead to them giving medication to the wrong patient or giving wrong doses or even missing a dose entirely. Fewer nurses may also lead to neglect of patients by the nurses. This may be seen in that, in the process of attending to a patient, a more seriously ill patient may be brought in, and this may lead to the nurse abandoning the patient. Nurse under staffing has also been established to be having an effect on urinary t ract infections and pneumonia. Studies show that nurse staffing and have adverse effects. The class of care rendered to most patients, and their safety is jeopardized by the Shortages of nurses in medical facilities. This problem is brought about by the fact that nurses concentrate on many patients at a time, thus inhibiting patients from acquiring quality attention. Understaffing of nurses leads to them not having a conducive working environment. Most hospitals necessitate them to work overtime leading to burn outs. This is attributed to the fact that nurses are not able to handle the pressure from the working environment. This pressure results in reduced performance. Overworking leads to medication errors that nurses do not provide when prescribing drugs, administering drugs or carrying out medical tests. Also, nurses do not take the right precaution when caring for patients, which ends up affecting patients’ result and may lead to death (Garrett, 2008). Quite a number of p atients suffering from acute diseases die as a result of medication errors. There are legislations passed to help prevent medication error. Medication safety language was added to the tax relief and health care act of 2006. Inclusion of hospital quality requirement in the bill allows patients to get information they need; that is, report from hospital illustrating whether it meets established safety standard; thus people are able to protect themselves
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Light pollution and diurnal motion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Light pollution and diurnal motion - Essay Example The spectral lines between them showed two separable stars. The third part a very distinctive star that I saw was the contact binaries star. This kind of stars appear when two stars are close in separation that it is possible for tidal forces to come into play as described by Schneider & Arny in ``Binary stars`` (Pg. 4). Stars are not solid bodies, but rather they are made of gases, such stars are very hard to count but I could count about 10 different tiny types of stars around this kind of star. Due to curiosity of learning I moved some distance away from civilization and identified the same three stars. I realized that from a different view the visual binary number reduced to 35 stars around it and the spectroscopic star became more visible that I could see the two different stars clearly with around 8 small stars surrounding them. The contact binary was still the same. There was no clear visualising to count more stars than before. I carried out different test in tracking the location of the stars from the North Star in different times of the day. I realised that the main source of star movement is light waves and like any waves when they are emitted they move out in all directions with its centre is maintained at the centre. When the star moves away from the North Star it is seen as the absorption of or emission lines in spectrum (Schneider & Arny, 2013). The shifts in these cases depend with a lot of factors but the major one from my perspective is the atmospheric chang e and the stars formation. The spectroscopic star shifted further from the North Star than all the other stars followed by the contact
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Suggestion on New Information System to be used in Company like ERP Assignment
Suggestion on New Information System to be used in Company like ERP - Assignment Example An effective information system that integrates company operations across various departments and units can play a pivotal role in improving operational efficiency the effects of which are reflected in quality and customer loyalty (Sheldon). Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a business model that integrates all aspects of an organization facilitating a link between various departments, customers and suppliers. â€Å"ERP is a business model that involves all levels of the organization that allow organizations to link customers and top management decisions all the way through to execution in the supply-chain and the factory floor†(Sheldon 2). Hence ERP is a single software application that helps the management to keep tabs on all the processes and departments functioning within the organization. Core system architecture and benefits Bear Beverages can adopt a highly integrated ERP system that will enable the organization to integrate its processes, streamline the flow of in formation and resources for cost effective operations. The primary benefit of this application tool will be managing, controlling and monitoring supply chains, logistics, finances, customer service, production and marketing operations. The tool will enable managers across different units and departments to collaborate with other departments and access the updated information at the click of their mouse. ... Such an application can be highly effective in communicating information and sharing of data in a timely manner assisting the managers in getting a clear picture of the work status and taking decisions. The core information systems for this application tool will be based on existing operational requirements that take into account different dimensions of marketing, finance, production, and logistics departments. These can be identified as sales, customer relationship management, invoicing, raw material requisition, goods despatch and product research. The following diagram illustrates the ways in which the proposed ERP system can streamline operations in the company – Source: Grey Stone Business Solutions Inc (2009) Thus, the different components of the ERP system will be manufacturing resource planning (MRP), finance resource management (FRM), supply chain management (SCM), human resource management (HRM) and customer relationship management (CRM). The ERP system is a favored solution for all kinds of business models since it provides the management and owners with the flexibility of accessing relevant information and data from a single database. Supply chain information networking Supply and logistics form the key components that impact operational processes and manufacturing concerns. The ERP application tool will enable the inventory and logistics department to streamline material supply and demand variables automatically through the system. The manufacturing resource planning and supply chain management modules of the ERP system will enable the managers to find out materials requisitioned and view production requirements. Based on the updated information the suppliers will be contacted through the system for scheduled delivery. The
Monday, October 14, 2019
Assessment Of mice and men Essay Example for Free
Assessment Of mice and men Essay Of mice and men is a novel by john Steinbeck about two migrant agricultural labourers George Milton and Lennie Small. At the outstart they are working at a ranch in northern California. The ranch is a microcosm of the macrocosm that was in America at that time in 1939. During this period of failed businesses, harsh poverty, and long-term unemployment, we see how people attempted to survive on the ranch. In this essay I am going to clarify how Steinbeck presents the theme of discrimination in chapter 3. Discrimination seems particularly unpleasant on the ranch because there are lonely, isolated characters, who looking are for friends and an escape from solitariness. In chapter 3 we see discrimination in the form of racism, ageism and sexism. The victims of discrimination in this novel are: Crooks, a black stable buck; Curleys Wife, the farm owners neglected daughter-in-law; and Candy, an old, disabled housekeeper. Crooks, is terribly discriminated against because of his natural skin colour, which he has no choice to change it. Spose you couldnt go into the bunk house and play rummy cause you was black this illustrates that the migrants on the ranch discriminate against him by having him left out of the gang. Furthermore he lives in a little shack on his own. They dont treat him equally; in fact it almost feels like as if they dont see him as human being. They dont care about his feelings and emotions; nevertheless this isolation has consequently affected his mental and physical well being. Crooks is not allowed to enter the Bunk house, whereas Candys dog can. Therefore clearly this shows that they treat animals better than him. Although the dog has someone that looks out for him, crooks has no one except his books. Despite him believing that Books aint no good. Crooks had a bright childhood where he could play with white children and socialise with them, but this discrimination against him has affected him deeply. He never accepted this way of life unlike other slaves of his time, I got a right to have a light this shows that he is aware of his rights, even when he is having a simple conversation with mentally ill Lennie, who has no idea about rights not even his. Evidently this discrimination made crooks desperate for a companionship, A guy goes nuts if he aint got nobody this demonstrates that crooks has gone to the point where he is dying for a shoulder to cry on, even Lennie with a childlike brain. Dont make no difference who the guy is, longs hes with you, This implies that he doesnt care if the friend is white or black, furthermore it shows that crooks is not racist. He plays horseshoes all day as an attempt to be liked and be accepted for what he is. Similarly Candy is discriminated against because of his age. As they know that he hasnt got the physical strength to defend himself or his dog, they take advantage of him and forced him to allow his only friend to be killed. Steinbeck used this to clarify that within the society the powerful ones rule the helpless and no matter what we do there will always be evil around us. Whynt you get candy to shoot his dog. This makes candy think that this could be the prospect for him when he gets useless. It drove him to the desperation point of putting his life saving into the hands of complete strangers wanting to escape from the same ending as his beloved dog. The men on the ranch describe the dog as a stinking hound and an old bastard. Candy feels dejected as he says I wish somebody would shoot me when I become useless. He feels left out and not respected because of his age as they killed his only friend, he feels that he doesnt wish to live without his precious dog anymore. Candy, a lost old man, hes missing a hand and his most reliable and trust worthy companion. i lost my hand my hand right here on this ranch, thats why they gave me a job swampin' this worries candy that he will get fired soon because if he can no longer work he will be dispensable. Steinbeck used this character because the older generation would relate to him. Curleys wife is the only women on the ranch. Everybody makes fun of her; they dont talk to her as a friend because shes a woman. Aint I got a right to talk to nobody? Whatta they think I am anyways?.This quotation shows that she is quarantined from the other migrants just like crooks and candy they are all isolated characters. The men on the ranch dont give a chance to get to know her personally, they just labelled her a trouble maker, and being Curleys wife doesnt do her any favour. As we never hear her real name in the book it shows how belittled she is, she is seen as a property of Curleys. Steinbeck did this because back in those days men were dominant and women were just seen as house wives. The men on the ranch act on their prejudice calling her nasty names such as a rattrap, jailbait, and tart. Due to this she feels alone and discriminated against, because she is only seeking for attention to make friends, shes is not what they describe to be. Curleys wife is desperate for a companion just like candy and Crooks; she wants someone to listen to her because Curley is never around, he never gives her the attention she needs, I dont like Curley, he aint a nice fella, clearly shows that she isnt happy, she feels trapped and lonely. Due to this she wonders around the ranch looking something to do, someone to talk to. Overall in conclusion Steinbeck carefully used these types of characters, because they each represent different society at that time of the book. Racism was very high and discrimination against women and the elderly were very common. I think the novel has relevance in our culture; it portrays the issues of discrimination and racism. I think Steinbeck wrote this book to show the world that within our society we have a disgusting habit of making other feel down.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Swot Analysis In Terms Of Strength Marketing Essay
Swot Analysis In Terms Of Strength Marketing Essay PapaRich is a moderm kopitiam that serves quality coffee and asian delicacies at affordable Malaysian prices. PappaRich kopitiam has multiplied from one kopitiam to 41 shops around Malaysia, one in Hong Kong and one in Singapore. Thailand would be a good market for PappaRich to enter because Thailands GDP by sectors show as high as 45% for service industry. This clearly shows us that PappaRich can invest in Thailand to serve the community with Malaysian authentic, classic, and timeless kopitiam meals. Using the SWOT analysis, in terms of strength, the PappaRich serves the community with Malaysians kopitiam meals with affordable prices with a classic coffee shop ambience. In terms of opportunities, economically the GDP and inflation rate has been steadily increasing in recent years. Interest rate fell sharply due to the US financial crisis. The Thai Baht appreciated against MYR and a result of that, the revenue generated in Thailand comparatively to the Malaysian Ringgit would be higher. The weakness for PappaRich to go into Thailand which is the food that PappaRich is serving might not be accepted by the locals. Besides that, the threats to the company are the political instability due to street protests. PappaRichs success as of today is due to its successful differentiation business level strategy to set them apart from other companies from the same FB industry. PappaRich focuses on the quality of their product and keeping it consistent throughout all their outlets. Furthermore, the ambience is what captivated the consumers and made them regular customers in PappaRich. The best way for PappaRich to enter the Thailand market is the franchising market entry strategy. To become a successful FB franchisors that can go nation, PappaRich (the franchisee) can sell the franchisors trade mark, product or services, or trade name and benefits from the franchisors help and support in Thailand market. In return, the franchisee from Thailand need to pays an initial fee to PappaRich and then a percentage of the sales revenue. In cultural analysis, there are five areas to be concerned, the cultural analysis of Thailand and Malaysia is shown respectively; PDI 64;104, IDV 20;26. MAS 34;50, UAI 64;36, LTO 56. This is further elaborated in the pages to come. 2.0 Introduction Many years ago, to enjoy a classic kopitiam meal in Malaysia, such as half-boiled eggs, toasted bread with kaya and butter, and a cup of coffee, one will have to travel many miles back to their hometown. Kopitiam is a traditional breakfast and coffee shop found in South East Asia. Since the establishment of PappaRich in 2006, one need not go the distance. PappaRich is a modern kopitiam that serves quality coffee and asian delicacies at affordable Malaysian prices. In four years, the string of PappaRich kopitiams have multiplied from one kopitiam in Selayang Mall to 41 shops around Malaysia, one in Hong Kong and one in Singapore. It has emerged as a formidable player in the local and food beverage chain. PappaRichs philosophy is to serve authentic, classic and timeless kopitiam meals, the traditional Malaysian style where the locals can mix and mingle in the ambience of a relaxing atmosphere with a sense of belonging. In Thailand, PappaRich intends to serve the Thai community the same philosophy it currently serves the Malaysian community. As there are not many kopitiams in Thailand that serves authentic Malaysian coffeeshop-styled cuisine, PappaRich intends to venture into Thailand by becoming one of the pioneers in serving the authentic Malaysian coffeeshop-styled cuisine. As seen in the diagram on the left, the services industry holds a 45% stake of the total market share for GDP composition in Thailand. Examples of the services industry include the tourism sector and the FB sector. Due to the high stake of the services industry in Thailands GDP percentage, investing in PappaRich in Thailand may be a wise investment choice. Furthermore, potential customers from the tourism sector would be an added advantage to the company into raking in more potential revenue. 3.0 Situation Analysis 3.1 SWOT Analysis 3.2 Strengths As mentioned in the introduction, PappaRichs philosophy is to to serve authentic, classic and timeless kopitiam meals, the traditional Malaysian style where the locals can mix and mingle in the ambience of a relaxing atmosphere with a sense of belonging. This concept is a major strength in branding the kopitiam brand in Thailand as there arent many affordable restaurants in Thailand that serve traditional kopitiam meals. This places PappaRich as one of the pioneers into introducing the cuisine to the Thai locals. Furthermore, it will further strengthen its reputation as being one of the most original and authentic kopitiam in Thailand. Another major strength of the company is its emphasis on clientele service. In the FB industry, it is important to note that service is one of the main priorities in differentiating a good restaurant and a bad one. Thus, PappaRich places much emphasis on its clientele service to not only lure first-time or one-time customers but reoccurring customers, over and over again. 3.3 Weaknesses A major setback that hinders the kopitiam business into the Thai market is the different taste buds between the Thai and Malaysians. Only the adventurous ones may venture out of their comfort zone into eating Malaysian kopitiam cuisine. Furthermore, street food is popular and cheap in Thailand, thus the locals may not be very willing to pay extra for Malaysian food. Besides that, PappaRich and the kopitiam concept is a rather new brand in the region, and thus may acquire more time to be familiarised by the locals. Also, the management style used in Malaysia may not be applicable to the culture of the locals and thus, new management style may have to be devised to suit the employees in Thailand. 3.4 Opportunities and Threats In recent years, Thailand has been politically unstable due to street protests and riots. It is important to note that such political instability is a major disadvantage to the business. This is because, the employees of the company may engage themselves into the protests that halts production and services of the restaurant. Furthermore, a demonstration will hinder potential customers from leaving their homes to eat out as they may fear for their safety. An improvement of technology has both pros and cons to the setting up of the new company. It can improve the cooking standards of the restaurant as better kitchen equipments are purchased to monitor the quality of the food. Furthermore, improvement of the equipments may reduce cooking time that increases efficiency. In time, more customers can be served and profit can be increased. However so, an improvement in technology can bring about an increase in capital cost due to expensive kitchen equipments. As seen in the graph above, the GDP rate of Thailand has been steadily increasing in the last couple of years. However, during the US financial crisis in 2009, there has been a slight fall in GDP. It may be wise to hold back the venturing of the business into Thailand for a couple of months to ensure the stability of the market. During the 2009 US financial crisis, the inflation rate went negative, to as low as -4 showing a shrink of the economy. However so, in 2010, Thailand has begun to pick up the pace and shows that there has been a boost in the economy. As the consumers expectation and confidence is strengthened, Papparich can start investing into Thailand. Unemployment rate has been steadily decreasing over the years. As unemployment falls, more people in the community will have income to spend on goods. As such, it is a good idea to invest into Thailand. Hopefully, when the company decides to invest in the country, there will be people to be employed as staffs. A fall in interest rates in recent years is an advantage as we can apply for loans at low interest rates to set up restaurants in the country. This will encourage more franchising options. Comparitively, the Baht rose 0.115% against the MYR. There are both pros and cons to this situation. Pro, the revenue generated in Thailand comparitively to the MYR would be higher and the con, more money will have to be pumped into Thailand to set up the restaurant, comparitively to the MYR 4.0 Business Level Strategy In order to measure the feasibility of Thailand as a strategic location for expansion, we have to look into the business level strategy of PappaRich. Every organization has a competitive strategy to plan how it will compete in its business and this applies to PappaRich as well. PappaRich is a food beverages (FB) industry that focuses on serving quality authentic traditional Malaysian delicacies at affordable prices and that is their competitive advantage and what sets them apart other regular kopitiam. Aside from that, the ambience of PappaRich has also been one of their greatest assets as the decorated surroundings are chilling and hence many people would choose to go to PappaRich to enjoy one of their specialty; coffee made from locally roasted coffee bean while catching up with friends and family. Theyre also located everywhere as they have over 41 outlets in Malaysia as of today and this brings great convenience to their customers as the nearest outlet is just around the neighbourhood. This is PappaRichs aim in their investment into the Thai market as well that people would have a pleasant experience every time they set foot in PappaRich. With Michael Porters five forces model, managers can determine and control the rules of completion and create a sustainable competitive advantage. Firstly, PappaRich is an FB industry with barrier to entry; PappaRich must comply with the standard set by the Thai government in its policy, the high level of capital needed for investment may be hard to acquire as the result of the recent US financial crisis and also the brand identity may be unknown to most consumers as it is new in the market. Furthermore, economies of scale may also be another barrier to entry for PappaRich as existing companies in Thailand enjoys low cost of production due to this factor and there is no way PappaRich could compete with them in short term period. If PappaRich were to venture into the Thai market, it might face substitute companies such Hailam Kopitiam, Station 1 caf and Old Town Kopitiam and Madam Kwan which are also strong growing FB companies with similar business concept that may also be trying to expand internationally to Thailand as well. Not to mention, the substitute companies that are already in Thailand such as Coffee Bean and Starbucks. However, in terms of bargaining power, many consumers would choose PappaRich over Starbucks for coffee as the price is more affordable in PappaRich. The supplier also plays an important role in determining the feasibility of PappaRich as a good investment opportunity in Thailand as supplier determines the cost of operating and this will affect the total profit of the business. PappaRich can get their supply of raw material from suppliers such as President Rice Products Public Co. Ltd, Siam Future Farm and Exotic Food Co. Ltd. Lastly, the current rivalries that are already in Thailand would also affect the profitability of PappaRich if it were to venture into Thailand as it is a very competitive industry and the competitions are intense. In terms of the target market of PappaRich, it would target the middle income group of consumers as the prices are moderate. It would not fully use the cost leadership strategy which refers to the basis of having the lowest cost in the industry as there are many other companies that have comparable price ranges with PappaRich. Also, PappaRich is a contemporary classy type of coffee shop with required standard of decoration which further increase their cost and this doesnt comply with the low cost leader strategy. In fact, PappaRichs success as of today is due of its successful differentiation strategy to set them apart from other companies from the same FB industry. PappaRich focus on the quality of their product and keeping it consistent throughout all their outlets. Furthermore, the ambience is what captivated the consumers and made them regular customers in PappaRich. 5.0 Market Entry Strategy Expanding a company to new market can increase the sale, brand awareness and achieve business stability. To entering new market, we need to study the size of the country, number of opportunities and sheer geographical size. Besides that a proper market entry strategy requires market research so to give us a vision about the existence opportunity, understand the competitive landscape and see who are our potential customers. Foreign market entry can be done via four mechanisms which are exporting, licensing, joint venture, and franchising. Exporting is the most traditional way to go into foreign market by direct sale of the domestic-products to the country. This can be done through an export intermediary such as commissioned agents and trading companies. Exporting do not require the goods or product must be produce in the target country therefore there is no necessary to invest in foreign facilities. PappaRich is a FB business through serving Malaysian Traditional Delight at their outlets cafe. This mechanism is not suitable for PappaRich extend to Thailand because they are providing service but not produce goods. Licensing is an essential permit to enter a new market. A license is a legal contract to run a business. The licensee is about to pay a fee of exchange for the right to use the property of licensor such as trademarks , patents , and production techniques . For PappaRich, the licensing support comes in the form of outlet setup, outlets designs, menu and recipe of PappaRich, chef and waiters training by experienced Pappa licensing trainers. Joint venture is a legal entity formed when two parties equally invest in terms of money,time and effort on the same project. Basically joint venture happen when one individual want to extend his business to nation while he has no enough of capital to do so and need to find a partner from the target country to run the project together. The joint venture may be an easier first-step for PappaRich to extend to Thailand before go to franchising. PappaRich can reduce the entry risk by using Thailand partners assets through joint venture. Besides, the inadequate knowledge of legal environment can be solve. Through joint venture, PappaRich can start the business at little or no costs. Franchising is another form of licensing. Franchise occurs when the franchisor grants a licence to the franchisee to use their business idea. To become a successful FB franchisors that can go nation, Papparich (the franchisee) can sell the franchisors trade mark, product or services, or trade name and benefits from the franchisors help and support in Thailand market. In return, the franchisee from Thailand need to pays an initial fee to PappaRich and then a percentage of the sales revenue. In a conclusion, we found that franchising is the best way for PappaRich to go into Thailand market as Papparich is FB industry which gives servicing to community. 6.0 Cultural analysis Diagram 1 Country PDI IDV MAS UAI LTO Malaysia 104 26 50 36 Thailand 64 20 34 64 56 Table 1 6.1 Power Distance Index (PDI) Hofstedes PDI measures the extent to which the less powerful members of organizations accept and expect that power is distributed unequally (Geert HofstedeCultural dimensions). On the scale, Malaysia has a score of 104 and Thailand 64. Thailand does not have a large gap between the wealthy and the poor, but have a strong belief in equality for each citizen. Thailand has the opportunity to rise in society compared to Malaysia. Malaysian employees see their managers as being far more superior to them and perceive them as unapproachable. This attitude gives the managers a sense of superiority and empowerment. In Thailand however, people view themselves more as equals hence there is a lot more communication between the employees and managers. 6.2 Individualism Individualism is the one side versus its opposite, collectivism, that is the degree to which individuals are integrated into groups (Geert HofstedeCultural dimensions). Thailands and Malaysias IDV is at 20 and 26 respectively. A low score, as Thailand and Malaysia has, indicates the society is more of a collectivist than an individualist. This manifest in a close long-term commitment to the member group, is that a family, extended family, or extended relationships. Loyalty in a collectivist culture is paramount, and over-rides most other societal rules and regulations. The society fosters strong relationships where everyone takes responsibility for fellow members of their group. Therefore in Individualism, it can be said that Thailand and Malaysia stands almost the same. Employees in both countries are very team orientated; therefore the managers do not need to make any changes. 6.3 Masculinity Masculinity versus its opposite, femininity refers to the distribution of roles between the genders which is another fundamental issue for any society to which a range of solutions are found. Thailand has the lowest masculinity ranking among the Asian countries listed at 34, while Malaysia is listed at 50, compared to the Asian average of 53 and the World average of 50. This lower level is indicative of a society with less assertiveness and competitiveness, as compared to one where these values are considered more important and significant. This situation also reinforces more traditional male and female roles within the population. Therefore it can be said that Malaysia is doing better than Thailand in terms of assertiveness and competitiveness. Thailand should improve in this area in order to continue to compete. Malaysians tend to be a bit more to being assertive and aggressive while Thai employees are more laid back and more accepting of feminine traits. Therefore managers from Thailand have to be stricter in order for their employees to be more efficient. 6.4 Uncertainty avoidance index UAI deals with a societys tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity; it ultimately refers to mans search for truth. It indicates to what extent a culture programs its members to feel either uncomfortable or comfortable in unstructured situations (Peruvian Attitude On UAI) The UAI indicates the societys low level of tolerance for uncertainty. In an effort to minimize or reduce this level of uncertainty, regulations are adopted and implemented. The ultimate goal of this population is to control everything in order to eliminate or avoid the unexpected. As a result of this high UAI characteristic, the society does not readily accept change and is very risk adverse. The Thailand rank of 64 is slightly higher than the Asian average of 58 while Malaysia is slightly below average of 36. It can be said that Malaysia is doing quite well while Thailand should start to accept change and implement policies to control everything. The Malaysian managers in Thailand will have to change the way they manage their employees and actually put into place more guidelines and rules to get the best out of their Thai employees. 6.5 Long-Term Orientation Long-Term Orientation is the fifth dimension of Hofstede which was added after the original four to try to distinguish the difference in thinking between the East and West, defined as the degree to which one plans for and considers the future, as well as values traditions of the past.( Making Sense of Cross Cultural Communication) Below are some characteristics of the two opposing sides of this dimension: Long term orientation: -persistence -ordering relationships by status and observing this order -thrift -having a sense of shame Short term orientation: -personal steadiness and stability -protecting your face -respect or tradition -reciprocation of greetings, favors, and gifts Thailand measure a middle ranking being listed at 56 while Malaysia has no measures of LTO therefore no comparison can be made between both countries. 7.0 Recommendation Based on both SWOT analysis and Porters competitive force framework, it is the right decision to further the investment of PappaRich Group Sdn. Bhd to Thailand as it has the qualities and potential to penetrate into Thailands market. PappaRich is a modern kopitiam that serves quality coffee and asian delicacies that is currently doing very well in Malaysia. However in Thailand, PappaRich intends to serve the Thai community the same philosophy it currently serves the Malaysian community. As there are not many kopitiams in Thailand that serves authentic Malaysian coffeeshop-styled cuisine, PappaRich intends to venture into Thailand by becoming one of the pioneers in serving the authentic Malaysian coffeeshop-styled cuisine as well as Thailands own authentic delicacies. Setting up a food industry in Thailand is certainly a wise investment as services industry holds a 45% stake of the total market share for GDP composition in Thailand. Besides that Thailand has a lot advance in the improvement of technology, this can improve the cooking standards of the restaurant, and better equipment in the kitchen which will enhance efficiency and improve in the quality of the food and drinks. In addition, after the 2009 US financial crisis, Thailand has begun to pick up the pace and shows that there has been a boost in the economy. As the consumers expectation and confidence is strengthened, Papparich can start investing into Thailand. Based on the cultural analysis by Hofstedes framework, by comparing PDI, IDV, MAS, UAI, and LTO, the employees and managers in Thailand are more team orientated, more laid back and more accepting of feminine traits, and dominant. The type of managers in Thailand will be suitable to handle PappaRich, although they are not perfect, they are trainings available to improve their standards to achieve better efficiency and to increase productivity. PappaRich is slowly being recognised globally as it has build up a good reputation internationally in countries like Singapore and Hong Kong. Referring to the market entry strategy, requires market research so to give us a vision about the existence opportunity, understand the competitive landscape and see who our potential customers are. Foreign market entry can be done via four mechanisms which are exporting, licensing, joint venture, and franchising. The strategies of exporting, licensing, joint venture, and franchising have to be done efficiently in order to enter a new market. Lastly, based on Michael Porters five forces model in the business level strategy, managers can determine and control the rules of completion and create a sustainable competitive advantage. PappaRich is an FB industry with barrier to entry and it requires high level of capital to start up the business. Besides that the brand identity of PappaRich might not be well known in Thailand, it faces substitute companies that are already in Thailand such as Coffee Bean and Starbucks. However, in terms of bargaining power, many consumers would choose PappaRich over Starbucks for coffee as the price is more affordable in PappaRich. The supplier also plays an important role in determining the feasibility of PappaRich as a good investment opportunity in Thailand as supplier determines the cost of operating and this will affect the total profit of the business so maintaining a good relationship with the supplier will definitely give and advantage to the company. The investment to Thailand is a goo d choice as PappaRich focus on the quality of their product and keeping it consistent throughout all their outlets. Furthermore, the ambience has also captivated the consumers and made them regular customers in PappaRich. 8.0 Conclusion After much evaluation from the swot analysis, business level, market entry strategy and the cultural analysis, it is concluded that Thailand is a good choice of investment location for PappaRich to venture into internationally. It can also be one of the pioneers of Malaysian food cuisine in Thailand as there are very few coffee shops that serve authentic Malaysian delights in Thailand as of today. Thailands increasing GDP is also another attraction to investment in Thailand as it shows the stability of the economy and the higher expected return on profit because of the appreciation in Thai Baht against Malaysian Ringgit if PappaRich were to venture into Thailand. Other advantages in investing into Thailand include attracting the locals in Thailand to experience new and different culture and delicacies. Furthermore, this provides Malaysian in Thailand a taste of their hometown within reach. Although there are many advantages in investing in Thailand, there ought to be some setback on the investment too and they are such as the political instability of the country which may hinder the operation of the business if the employees were to go on riot. Moreover, the political situation in Thailand may also cause the consumers to be fearful of leaving the house to dine out as it is unsafe. Lastly, from the uncertainty avoidance index, it has shown that Thailand is rank 64 while average in all other countries are at 58, this means that Thailand is very risk adverse and do not like any changes in their countries so they would have very strict policies and laws regarding foreign investment being parked in their country.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Sleeping Disorders and the I-Function :: Biology Essays Research Papers
Sleeping Disorders and the I-Function As we all know, sleep is an important part of our lives. Without the proper amounts and type of sleep, fatigue and other problems can arise. Generally, we can clearly distinguish between a sleeping person and a person that is awake. With sleeping disorders, the distinction between an awake person and a sleeping person becomes more intriguing. What is the difference, how does it relate to the I-function and consciousness? Each sleeping disorder has its own unique answer to this question. It is essential to understand sleep to fully appreciate it. However, many aspects of it remain a mystery. We do have some degree of understanding of sleep. Within our sleep cycle a type of unusual sleep occurs, REM sleep. During this cycle the periods of REM sleep are interspersed with slow wave sleep in alternation. Each period of REM sleep (there are usually 4 or 5 periods a night) lasts for approximately 5 to 30 minutes. During these periods a sleep paradox occurs. An enormous amount of brain activ ity takes place; this is sometimes even more activity then when awake. This clearly indicates that sleep is not simply to rest our mind and not to think. So, during this period our brains are extremely active, yet there is usually no input or output. During this period, along with the random eye movement (REM), there is a complete loss of muscle tone. Essentially, at this point, the motor system is paralyzed (normally the body inhibits any movement). The autonomic nervous system also alters its behavior. The regulation of body temperature is lost and the blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rates shows increased variability. REM sleep can be detected by measuring the electrical activity of the brain with an electroencephalogram. At this point, the EEG will show the same pattern of activity as when the brain is awake. It is fascinating that at this point, REM sleep, where dreaming is frequent, the body shuts itself down. If, as suggested in class, the I-function is active at this stage, it is interesting that all body movement is inhibited. During other stages in which there are synchronized EEGs, and the I-function is not supposed to be present, the body does not inhibit all motor activity. This seems to imply that when the I-function is present it will control the body as it sees fit. One of the more ubiquitous parasomnias is sleep talking or somniloquy.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Travel and Tourism Unit 7 P4
P4) Review factors that have contributed to one declining destination (Cyprus) and one developing (Greece) in the European travel market. Developing destination: Greece Greece is also known as Hellenic Republic, the first country in Europe to advance civilization, Greece is one of the most visited country in Europe locate in southern Europe near Albania, Turkey, Bulgaria, and Rep. Macedonia. Greece is the home of the Olympic Game; Olympic game is popular in Greece, also across the world.People love to travel there because of the sport facilities; in 2004 Greece hosted the EUFA Euro 2004, and people love to go there because of the sport events. Greece is a country full of culture and tradition. This is Acropolis of Athens built in 6th century BC; Acropolis is the most visited building in Greece; people love to visit this building because it tells the all story of the beginning of Civilization in Europe, according the local newspaper Kathimerine, most of the visitors who visited the Ac ropolis in 2007 were students in majority.To visit the building cost 12/6 euro per person according creteTrave. com. This is Aegean Sea locate between Greece and Turkey. Aegean Sea is one of the natural feature most visited in Greece, millions of tourists visited the sea last year. People love to visit Aegean Sea because of the sea temperature, in summer the sea temperature goes up to 21 °- 26 °c sometime even 30 °c, in winter is 10 °- 18 °c. Rage of accommodation in Greece, Greek accommodation has the European standard starting from 3 to 5*, Greek accommodation is considered has the best in southern-east Europe.Acropolis Museum Boutique Hole is one of the best hotel in Athens locate in the heart of Athens. People love to visit Athens because of the hotel prices short break costs â‚ ¬32. 00, family room costs â‚ ¬280, single â‚ ¬57 and double room costs â‚ ¬65. For example 11 night costs â‚ ¬173. 89. I think that’s why people love to visit Athens. Thi s is Greece’s climate: Greece has Mediterranean weather which means 10 °c in winter and summer 22 °c, the weather also play a significant role in Greece.Greece is a country with the best accessibility that we can compare to other country in west Europe. According to British Airways a fly to Athens costs ? 65. 50 duration of the flight is 3h 40’. Greece does appeal to everyone mid-class, high-class can visit Greece; it costs less than inbound in the UK according to Travelweekly. com, Greece is the heart of European civilization, 99. 9% believe Greece is a place to visit, and study.Greece is the home of rest with its histories and beautiful weather of Mediterranean, a country which inspired the rest of European country to develop. Declining destination: Cyprus There has been a major decline in the travel and tourism sector in Cyprus. A 2. 4% overall decrease in arrivals were recorded last month compared to the same month in 2009 and a decrease of 10. 2% was recorded in arrivals from the UK for the year – suggesting that Cyprus is beginning to become a less popular holiday destination for the British; one of Cyprus' main markets.It is though that this decrease is due to a combination of redevelopment of other Mediterranean holiday destinations and increasing trust in budget airlines. For example, Greece has reported an 8. 4% increase in arrivals in 2010 compared to the same period in 2009. Budget airlines such as easy jet and Ryan air also do not fly to Cyprus and have made nearby locations a more attractive offer, which in combination with the credit crunch has significantly impacted peoples buying decisions. Negative †¢Expensive †¢Poor quality †¢Downmarket †¢Positive †¢Weather †¢Sea †¢Countryside †¢English speaking †¢Weddings †¢Major tour operators seeking to increase their share of revenue †¢Trend to all inclusive will reduce revenue in Cyprus and damage tertiary businesses One in three UK holidaymakers uses Tripadvisor for information. Of those, one third change their plans as a result †¢Tripadvisor consistent Cyprus themes: †¢Ã¢â‚¬ËœExpensive’ †¢Ã¢â‚¬ËœRip off’ †¢Ã¢â‚¬ËœScams’ †¢Ã¢â‚¬ËœGhost town’
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Women in Sports 19th and 20th Century
Jen Pearlstein December 2, 2010 Kin 305 Women in Sports 19th and 20th Century Women’s participation in sports has changed over the centuries. In ancient times, men dominated societies. Women were viewed as the caretaker, a provider for life. Women who did participate were criticized and were thought of as threatening. In 18th century America, women were considered inferior to men because of the belief that women are the weaker sex. A woman’s purpose in life was to take care of the house, children, and husband.When they did want to participate in recreational sport, they need to be able to negotiate with men and with other women because societies did not make it easy for women to participate. For example, there was a woman who wanted to go sailing, but to do so she needed to deal with the owner of the boat, her husband and a neighboring couple, who was to accompany her, to do so. By the 19th century, there was a cultural shift for women. Women became frustrated with thei r role in society as house -keepers and caretakers and wanted to experience more with their life.They wanted to pursue educational and athletic opportunities to expand their role outside the home. At that time, however, there was opposition towards women participating in sports and receiving an education because they believed it would cause damage to their reproductive organs. Also, it was believed that sport developed manliness, a trait women should not process. But when women were given an education, it was shown that they could handle the ability to endure rigors of education, which helped them form a sense of independence and help provide athletic opportunities.Because of these growing opportunities, exercise for women became very popular and gained credibility. Catherine Beecher was one influential person in regards to physical education for women. She and Dioclesian Lewis developed the 1st women physical education programs to promote women’s health. They developed what is known as calisthenics, which is similar to Pilates. Colleges like, Wellesley College, started to require calisthenics and sports as part of their curriculum.Among the wealthy, outdoor activities such as archery, tennis, and golf became creditable and evolved into national associations, which sponsored the first national championships for women in those sports. Senda Berenson’s introduction of basketball to women in 1892 caused coeducational colleges, women’s colleges, and other schools to organize women’s teams across the United States. The three women who plotted the initial course of physical education and athletic competitions were Blanche M Thrilling, Mabel Lee, and Agnes Wayman.They were the leaders of women’s participation in athletics. However, Thrilling did provide the most leadership of the group. She organized a meeting to discuss the participation of women in sport. During this meeting the Athletic Conference of American College Women (CWA) was formed. However, they did not support the intercollegiate athletics for women. The reason why they opposed to intercollegiate athletics was because it led to professionalism, it was expensive, required coaches, and it led to nerve fatigue according to the organization.Because of the opposition of intercollegiate athletics for women, a way for them to compete against another school was through play days or sport days. Three or more colleges would meet for competition and would divide themselves up into teams without the school colors. This was the only form of intercollegiate competition that was available for women. These play day and sport days caused an increase in the involvement of women in sporting events.This led to the formation of organizations like the national committee on Women’s Sports, to provide rules and standards for athletic participation for women and girls. The AAU, Amateur Athletic Union, which was under the control of men, took control over women†™s athletics. This stirred up conflict amongst physical educators and other leaders like, Lou Henry Hoover, Blanche Thrilling, and Agnes Wayman who opposed the AAU control and wanted women to govern the organization not men.They were against it because â€Å" only women could understand the psychological, motivational, and physiological need for women. †(Costa & Guthrie, 91) Lou Henry Hoover was the leader of the National Amateur Athletic Federation, which was an organization that supported sport for everyone. She wanted to have a separate Women’s division because of the different ideal standards of women’s sport; and so was formed the women’s division of the NAAF. This organization set standards for women’s competition and encouraged them to participate in both school and non-school events.There still was a belief that women were too frail physically and mentally to participate in intense competition like Olympics. However, in 1932, Mildred â⠂¬Å" Babe†Didrikson disproved this belief by winning two Olympic gold medals and one silver medal in track and field. She had also won every golf tournament she competed in. Her great victories influenced the acceptance of higher- level competition, but there were still limitations due to the bias that sport build manliness, and therefore, women shouldn’t participate because it would strip their femininity.Because of discrimination, women did not have as much financial support and training opportunities as men did. It was not until the 1960’s, during the feminist movement, that women fought for equal rights. This caused a great influence for women and sports. There was the approval of inclusion of intercollegiate sport and the establishment of national championship for golf, gymnastics, track and field, badminton, swimming, diving, volleyball and basketball. But what really caused a growth of women’s athletics, was the result of Title IX of the Educationa l Amendment Act of 1972.This law was passed to eliminate sex discrimination in sports. This act provides equal opportunities for finances, coaching, and facilities. There was much growth of women’s athletics from ancient times to today. Even though you can still notice gender biases amongst women’s athletics since men’s sport are still more popular than the women’s, there are more opportunities and more organizations sponsoring women’s involvement and less discrimination than before.References Costa, Margaret D, & Guthrie, Sharon D. ( 1994). Women and Sport: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. USA: D. Margaret Costa and Sharon R. Guthriex Hutchens, Lisa C. (1998). Gender Equity Collegiate Sports: The Role of Athletic Associations. Initiatives (Washington D. C),v. 58 no. 4. Retrieved from File:///Users/Jen/Downloads/HWWilsonRecords. html Metchikoff, Robert A. (2010) A History and Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education From Ancient Civilizations to t he Modern World. Boston, MA: McGraw- Hill.
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