Friday, December 27, 2019
Leadership Key Elements Of Leadership - 1686 Words
Leadership Key Elements Leadership is something that we are all born with because we are all born. Therefore, who is a leader and who is not depends on who really wants to be a leader and who does not. Leadership is a skill and so it can be learned. As anything that is learned it demands practice and practice to be the best. It would not be something that will happen in a matter of a day. There are multiple elements that make a leader. Collaboration is a key element for successful teamwork. Therefore, a leader must always be in the look for ways to foster collaboration. Creating trust within the team, support face-to-face collaboration, transfer responsibilities when making decisions, and ultimately teach other how to be leaders. All of this is not done if it is not done from the bottom of your own heart. Credibility-Creating trust within the team As stated by Kouzes and Posner (2012), If you’re a manager in an organization, to your direct reports you are the most important leader in your organization. You are more likely than any other leader to influence their desire to stay or leave, the trajectory of their careers, their ethical behavior, their ability to perform at their best, their drive to wow customers, their satisfaction with their jobs, and their motivation to share the organization’s vision and values (p. 332). Therefore, the first one to trust will be the leader. Leaders should ensure their member know their leader believe in them. Leaders believe in theirShow MoreRelatedThe Key Elements Of Leadership Essay790 Words  | 4 PagesLeadership is a universal ability that every individual administer effectively and non-effective and it’s based on personal experience, environment, society and influences. Military personnel generally have a martial approach in leadership. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
Analysis Of Emily Dickinson s There s A Certain Slant...
A poet who challenged poetry’s role in religion, Emily Dickinson was born in Amherst, Massachusetts in 1830. Although Dickinson’ was poetically prolific during her life, her work was neither published nor acclaimed until after her death in 1886. Similar to most poets, Emily Dickinson wrote about what she understood and what intrigued her. One of the major themes that Emily Dickinson often explored in her poems was the conflict between science with religion, specifically, her â€Å"individual struggle with God†. Many of her works describe defiance towards religion, because of how religion subjugates human identity. Dickinson is unique because unlike other religious poets who follow and encourage the path to God, she talks about challenging God’s dominion throughout her life, and refusing to submit to divine will at the cost of herself. In â€Å"There’s a certain Slant of Light†, Dickinson uses light that carries spiritual connotations to expl ore her relationship with God. Though the word â€Å"light†suggests weightlessness, Dickinson uses the word â€Å"light†as a heavy burden. Dickinson expresses her internal struggle with God who she views as subjugating human identity. Emily Dickinson lived in a time period where there were struggles to reconcile between faith and science. What makes Emily Dickinson stand out is not because of the certain style of unique methods that she incorporates in her poems, rather, it is because of her personality as a rebel that sets her aside from the rest of theShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Emily Dickinson s There s A Certain Slant Of Light 1745 Words  | 7 PagesOne of the first biography points any student learns about Emily Dickinson is that of her reclusivity. She spent nearly all of her life in her hometown, in the house where she grew up. By 1872, she rarely left that house at all (Baym). Even prior to that, however, it is interesting to follow the themes of confinement and isolation in her poetry, particularly Poem 258, â€Å"There’s a certain Slant of light.†Written circa 1861, this poem utilizes vocabulary associated with spirituality and death, althoughRead MoreAnalysis Of Emily Dickinson s Po em There s A Certain Slant Of Light1147 Words  | 5 PagesA poem’s structure can either make or break it. Emily Dickinson skillfully incorporates a variety of different methods in her works to enhance their meanings. At first glance her poetry can seem confusing, but simply analyzing at how she structures her poems can give great insight to what she means. Looking at whether each line of the poem ends without punctuation, also known as enjambment can reveal a great deal about a poem. The use of enjambment and end-stops control the flow of the poem. AlongRead MoreEmily Dickinson : The Point When A Reader1749 Words  | 7 PagesHorieh Introduction to Literature Professor Knoernschild November 27, 2015 Emily Dickinson At the point when a reader hears the name Emily Dickinson, they consider a female who composed verse that has been surely understood for a considerable length of time and years. Much to their dismay that Emily Dickinson established American Literature, and began an entire unrest of verse. The procedure Dickinson used to keep in touch with her verse was at no other time seen and was the foundationRead MoreEmily Dickinson’s Themes, Language, and Technique Essay1886 Words  | 8 PagesWhen a reader hears the name Emily Dickinson, they think about a female who wrote poetry that has been well known for years and years. Little do they know that Emily Dickinson founded American Literature, and started a whole revolution of poetry. The technique Dickinson used to write her poetry was never before seen and was the cornerstone of her writings. Major themes, Figurative Language, and Literary Technique used by Emily Dickinson were all of her characteristics of her towering achievementR ead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words  | 760 PagesYour first reason, let’s say, is that you discounted Emilios remark that if the stream were poisonous then everything in it would look dead. Deadly things can be alive and look healthy. You mention salmonella on delicious turkey burgers. You are certain that there are microbes that harm humans but do not harm plants and fish; you mention to Juanita and Emilio that crabgrass and catfish do not catch cholera. Your second reason comes from reconsidering that sign at the ranger station. If nothing Analysis Of Emily Dickinson s There s A Certain Slant... One of the first biography points any student learns about Emily Dickinson is that of her reclusivity. She spent nearly all of her life in her hometown, in the house where she grew up. By 1872, she rarely left that house at all (Baym). Even prior to that, however, it is interesting to follow the themes of confinement and isolation in her poetry, particularly Poem 258, â€Å"There’s a certain Slant of light.†Written circa 1861, this poem utilizes vocabulary associated with spirituality and death, although the nuanced grammatical structure and complex word connotations allow for varied interpretation. One of these many interpretations is that the death metaphors and imagery are in turn a metaphor for confinement, whether physical or mental. Mental confinement, as one may experience with mental illness such as depression, was not a common topic for female writers in the nineteenth century. Before Modern and Postmodern poetry, this poem addresses mental illness seriously, but still leaves cracks in the darkness where hope can shine through. The imagery and diction may be misleading at first, due to the amount of language that is generally positive. However, each happy or positive word is negated; for example, â€Å"light†is immediately followed by â€Å"winter†and â€Å"oppresses,†â€Å"Heavenly†by â€Å"Hurt,†andâ€Å"Cathedral†is preceded by â€Å"Heft†(1-5). The initial interpretation of the poem as lighthearted is further disproved by the amount of death imagery, vocabulary related to confinement, and aShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Emily Dickinson s There s A Certain Slant Of Light ``1837 Words  | 8 PagesA poet who challenged poetry’s role in religion, Emily Dickinson was born in Amherst, Massachusetts in 1830. Although Dickinson’ was poetically prolific during her life, her work was neither published nor acclaimed until after her death in 1886. Similar to most poets, Emi ly Dickinson wrote about what she understood and what intrigued her. One of the major themes that Emily Dickinson often explored in her poems was the conflict between science with religion, specifically, her â€Å"individual struggleRead MoreAnalysis Of Emily Dickinson s Poem There s A Certain Slant Of Light1147 Words  | 5 PagesA poem’s structure can either make or break it. Emily Dickinson skillfully incorporates a variety of different methods in her works to enhance their meanings. At first glance her poetry can seem confusing, but simply analyzing at how she structures her poems can give great insight to what she means. Looking at whether each line of the poem ends without punctuation, also known as enjambment can reveal a great deal about a poem. The use of enjambment and end-stops control the flow of the poem. AlongRead MoreEmily Dickinson : The Point When A Reader1749 Words  | 7 PagesHorieh Introduction to Literature Professor Knoernschild November 27, 2015 Emily Dickinson At the point when a reader hears the name Emily Dickinson, they consider a female who composed verse that has been surely understood for a considerable length of time and years. Much to their dismay that Emily Dickinson established American Literature, and began an entire unrest of verse. The procedure Dickinson used to keep in touch with her verse was at no other time seen and was the foundationRead MoreEmily Dickinson’s Themes, Language, and Technique Essay1886 Words  | 8 PagesWhen a reader hears the name Emily Dickinson, they think about a female who wrote poetry that has been well known for years and years. Little do they know that Emily Dickinson founded American Literature, and started a whole revolution of poetry. The technique Dickinson used to write her poetry was never before seen and was the cornerstone of her writings. Major themes, Figurative Language, and Literary Technique used by Emily Dickinson were all of her characteristics of her towering achievementR ead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words  | 760 PagesYour first reason, let’s say, is that you discounted Emilios remark that if the stream were poisonous then everything in it would look dead. Deadly things can be alive and look healthy. You mention salmonella on delicious turkey burgers. You are certain that there are microbes that harm humans but do not harm plants and fish; you mention to Juanita and Emilio that crabgrass and catfish do not catch cholera. Your second reason comes from reconsidering that sign at the ranger station. If nothing
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Diet Pills Essay Example For Students
Diet Pills Essay In todays materialistic driven society, people are judged in every possibleaspect. From their appearance, background, social status, way or thinking totheir friends, families. The need to be accepted and admired by otherscaptivates the minds of many men and women of today. This conquest for socialacceptance becomes so real that the idea then becomes an obsession. The way welook plays a big role in our lives. It determines the way others see us and fromthat, it will then determine how we feel about ourselves. One major proponent ofappearance is our weight. Do you ever notice that the most admired and said tobe most popular girls in school are the sexiest, slimmest and most flauntinggirls? They are the ones that upon passing by make the guys stop and take asecond look. Not only that but this applies to men as well. The mostheart-throbbed, crushed on guys are those with firm-cut bods, most of the timecarrying footballs or basketballs. From these observations, it becomes a knownfact, not only for the young generation, that men and women are obsessed withtheir weights. And why not Whenever you turn on the television or open amagazine all you see are beautiful people flaunting their beautiful bodies. Thisconstant images of seeing sexy idealistic people implants a message in our mindsthat this is the way all men/women should look in order to be beautiful. Andbecause of this, we subject ourselves to abusing our health and bodies just sowe can be like those perfect images. As early as I can recall, there have beenways and tactics created by man to loose weight as fast as they can. The fasterand easier, the better. In the past three years, there has been an abundantintrusion of diet pills that has hit the Philippines. The first onethat hit was an appetite suppressant drug called Ionamin. It apparentlystimulates the brains appetite-control center into thinking that your stomachis always full. It is an effective weight loss drug that enables one to lose theweight desired i n a short amount of time. Consequently, the drug was found tohave unpleasant adverse side effects. These are: mood changes, blurred vision,unpleasant taste or dry mouth, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, urinaryurgency, false sense of well-being. It was a non-prescription drug easily thatcould easily be bought by anyone until studies showed much side effects veryharmful to ones health. Next and still quite popular with the public are Bankokpills. These pills are so in demand in the Philippines that people are willingto pay thousands of pesos for just a 2week supply of those pills and further,they are bought through connections because they are not just sold anywhere inany drugstore. This drug taken morning and night somehow also works as aappetite suppressant but the way it gets rid of your unwanted excess weight isby taking it out through your bodily fluids. In other words, when inducing thedrug you are subjected to constant urination. It takes out so much that it alsotakes out the liquids that your body needs to maintain itself. Your urine willturn into a clear almost like water appearance from the usual yellow color. Thiswill then cause and leave you feeling dehydrated. In my opinion, using bankokpills for weight reduction may work fast but the results are ill looking. Theweight that you loose will leave you looking dry and malnutritioned. Basicallyyou will look unhealthy and ugly. Recently, a new drug was introduced in theweight loss market, Xenical, the generic name for Orlistat. This is ananti-obesity agent manufactured by F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. It is a lipaseinhibitor for obesity management that acts by inhibiting the absorption ofdietary fats. This drug on the other hand, disposes unwanted body fats bysecreting it through your feces coming out in the form of oil. Sometimes yourpoop will even just seep through as all oil. Also, throughout thedays of treatment, you will experience oil-spotting discharges. This drug is aprescription drug used t o cure obesity for medical purposes so there are stillstudies to make as to how the drug will affect people who just take the drug forquick diet purposes. But like all drugs there is a good possibility that itcould be harmful to us when taken ignorantly. Subjecting yourself to habitforming diet pills that are bad for your health so that you can reach the weightand look you want is not the proper way. Also, once you stop using the pill youwill quickly gain twice as much as you lost in the first place, faster than youcan make it back to the store to buy some more pills. The one who looks good orfeels good about themselves doesnt necessarily have to be the thinnest one inthe group. In fact nowadays people with curves are the ones who are thought ofas sexy. I mean, if you are to put your arms around someone, would you want tohold a bag of bones or hold someone who is soft and who actually has somethingto be held? And besides, what makes a person beautiful is the person as a whole. .u714f70302beac13a830da1f9d2f1cf40 , .u714f70302beac13a830da1f9d2f1cf40 .postImageUrl , .u714f70302beac13a830da1f9d2f1cf40 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u714f70302beac13a830da1f9d2f1cf40 , .u714f70302beac13a830da1f9d2f1cf40:hover , .u714f70302beac13a830da1f9d2f1cf40:visited , .u714f70302beac13a830da1f9d2f1cf40:active { border:0!important; } .u714f70302beac13a830da1f9d2f1cf40 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u714f70302beac13a830da1f9d2f1cf40 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u714f70302beac13a830da1f9d2f1cf40:active , .u714f70302beac13a830da1f9d2f1cf40:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u714f70302beac13a830da1f9d2f1cf40 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u714f70302beac13a830da1f9d2f1cf40 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u714f70302beac13a830da1f9d2f1cf40 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u714f70302beac13a830da1f9d2f1cf40 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u714f70302beac13a830da1f9d2f1cf40:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u714f70302beac13a830da1f9d2f1cf40 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u714f70302beac13a830da1f9d2f1cf40 .u714f70302beac13a830da1f9d2f1cf40-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u714f70302beac13a830da1f9d2f1cf40:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: My Life Growing Up Essay Their mind, personality, attitudebeing in his or herself! Of coursemaintaining the proper weight is always good but doing it the right way likeexercising and eating right is a better healthier way to do it. In that caseyour body will also slowly but effectively condition itself to eating right andworking out regularly so that your body will remain healthy and maintain itselfat the proper weight you desire. So if I were you, dont be an empty-headedperson who would harm themselves just so that they can look good for otherpeople who dont even admire them for their inner being but for how they lookin a bathing suit. Health Care
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Use Of Satire In Huck Finn Essays - English-language Films
Use Of Satire In Huck Finn The journey taken by two people down a river, is rarely thought of as anything more than just an adventure. However, Mark Twain uses his novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, to explore and poke fun of many problems facing American society. Huck, the main character, is considered an uneducated boy who is constantly under pressure to conform to the civilized aspects of society. Jim, who accompanies Huck, is a runaway slave seeking freedom from the world that has denied it to him for so long. In his novel, Twain uses satire to demonstrate many of civilizations problems. In the beginning of the story, Huck sneaks away from his home to play with Tom Sawyer and his friends. The boys start a gang and decide that one of the things they will do is kidnap people, and hold them for ransom. The boys quickly discover that they cannot ransom anyone because they don't know what ransom means. Tom has a theory as to the meaning of the word, But per'aps if we keep them till they're ransomed, it means that we keep them till they're dead.(12) Without any doubts, all of the boys agree with this meaning of the word. In this segment of the novel, Twain uses satire to demonstrate that even though something may be truly wrong, if civilization or society adopts it to be true, then it is believed to be true. Twain may be specifically using the issue of slavery as his target, in this instance of satire. During the time period in which The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was written, religion was as much a part of civilization, as was an education. Religion is one of the key victims of Twain's satire throughout the novel. This satire is no more apparent then when Huck's guardian, the Widow Douglas, preaches to him about Moses. Huck didn't think very much of her lecture; Here she was a-bothering about Moses, which was no kin to her, and no use to anybody, being gone, you see...(3) Twain uses Huck to exhibit his objection to the blind faith that civilized society places towards religion. During Huck and Jim's journey, they encounter two men who refer to themselves as the Duke and the King. Theses characters make their living by swindling people out of their money. When they are eventually caught, they pay for their sins by being tarred and feathered. Huck expresses his thoughts on the subject by saying, It was a dreadful thing to see. Human beings can be awful cruel to one another.(294) Through this event, Twain shows that crooks and criminals aren't the only ones that can be cruel. The crowd that considers themselves to be civilized and opposing any such imprudent and cruel acts, actually commits one themselves. Twain illustrates how a society that views themselves as civilized can display such irresponsible conduct. Twain uses a boy and a runaway slave in, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, to not only tell a story, but to express what he thinks are the problems of civilized society. Satire is the key tool in which he uses to demonstrate these problems. Through Twain's use of satire, we can not only poke fun at American society, but we can learn from its mistakes. Twain turned an ordinary adventure down a river into an exploration of the problems society, especially civilized society, faces. Because of the brilliant way in which Twain intertwines satire into his novel, the lessons in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, will be remembered forever.
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