Monday, May 25, 2020
Analysis Of The Movie The Trailer Bad Moms Essay
. In today’s society, certain stereotypes have been established towards a myriad of classifications. The separation of gender roles has affected the diplomatic expectation mothers face, whereas Bad Moms (SNX Entertainment), has depicted the standards of a mother in a comical stance. This trailer emphasizes the roles of woman in society during motherhood, moreover, by leaning towards the contrast of a â€Å"perfect†mother. Mila Kunis’s character, Amy, is a member of a society that houses the ideal perfect mother. In which, she struggles with following the guidelines that allude to a perfect family. Therefore, a group of friends and Amy liberate themselves from the stereotypical life of a mother after they become too stressed out. In the trailer Bad Moms, the director uses a sundry of visual, diction, and satirical devices to emphasize the overall message of motherhood into the premise of this trailer. A notable theme in Bad Moms is the contrasting comparison of a sisterhood of mothers and three members that broke away. The use of antithesis creates the perspective of a perfect mom versus a bad mom. The presence of a sisterhood (sorority) among a group of mothers evaluates their corporations to their guidelines, which is seen when the protagonist, Amy, brought donuts instead of homemade goods to an event and angers the antagonist. Moreover, a perfect mom would not bring store-brought goods to an event. After the three mothers create an ally to be themselves and stepped away fromShow MoreRelatedEverything By Nicola Yoon And Directed By Stella Meghie1308 Words  | 6 PagesEverything†Analysis This American romance drama film could capture millions of romance fanatics in just one trailer. I can proudly say that I too am a part of this club and I am ready to have mixed of emotions running through my body when I go see this movie on May 19. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020
The Great Depression in The United States - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 335 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/05/13 Category History Essay Level High school Tags: Great Depression Essay Did you like this example? The Great Depression was an era of pure despair and anguish for not only everyone in The United States of America but people throughout the world. It left a significant impact on men, women children and even minorities; The infamous dust bowl only added to the suffering. The great depression left a significant psychological impact on men and unemployment. Due to the sheer amount of stress and knowing that they could no longer serve their purpose ( to provide for their families) because of the struggling economy of the US, men turned to suicide. In 1932 the national suicide rate was increased to 17.4 In a letter to President Roosevelt a young boy wrote: My father hasnt worked for 5 months He went plenty times to relief, he filled out application. They wont give us anything.1 He also stated : My father he staying home. All the time hes crying because he cant find work. I told him why are you crying daddy, and daddy said why shouldnt I cry when there is nothing in the house.2 Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Great Depression in The United States" essay for you Create order Furthermore, women and children were forced to experience the harsh realities of The Great Depression. Because of the obvious lack of money families could not support themselves with enough food, or clothing. This led to the dramatic increase in women in the workforce as they began to find jobs such as nurses, clerks and other jobs in the service field. This sudden change in lifestyle was a huge deal because by societies standards women should be stay-at-home moms. The idea of a woman working was looked down apon by many. However women joining the workforce was only the beggining of the end of discrimination. During the first half of the Great Depression thousands of children were not being educated due to the immense closing of schools throughout the nation.The National Education Association estimated that by 1934 rural poverty had closed more than 20,000 schools. Therefore children were forced to try to enter the work force to help provide for themselves aswell as their families.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Many Beliefs Influence Our Lives Today - 1413 Words
Many beliefs influence our lives today. In fact one of the most well-known movie series today, was influenced by a belief, called Norse Mythology. That movie series is Lord of the Rings! Many of the main characters and items come from Norse mythology. Such as, the elves, the enchanted rings, the dwarves, and other realms. Most people only know one or two deities from Norse Mythology, like Thor and Loki. While most people in the world are more familiar with the beliefs of the Ancient Greeks, Norse Mythology is one of the most overlooked, interesting, and diverse forms of mythology in the world. Norse Mythology was started by the vikings and carried across the world by them. The earliest known accounts of Norse Mythology came from†¦show more content†¦There are many deities/figures in Norse mythology. Such as, giants, gods, supernaturals, and humans. One of the most important figures is Ymir. He was a brutal frost giant, created out of ice. He created every giant, who later created the gods. Two kings of the giants are Thrym and Skymir. Thrym is king of the frost giants. He is most famously known for using Mjolnir, Thor’s hammer as ransom for the goddess, Freyja. Skymir is the king of Jotunheim. He is known for being an illusionist, and tricking Thor. Most people only know one or two figures of Norse mythology. Even though there are so many more. Like, Buri the 1st god created. He is the father of Bor, and grandfather of Odin. He is said to have come into the worlds, by the cow Audhumla. She is said to have licked him free from inside a block of ice. There is no known accounts of who his wife is. Odin is the son of Bor and Bestla and ruler of Asgard. His is god of all wisdom and only has one eye. He gouged out the other one. His wife s name is Frigg. Frigg is an Aesir goddess and wife of Odin. She is the mother of Balder and hold, Queen of Asgard, and goddess of foreknowledge. Thor is one of the most widely known Norse gods, thanks to Marvels m ovies and comic books. He is the son of Odin and Earth, his wife’s name is Sif and he is god of thunder. He is known for being fierce and fighting a lot and his magic hammer Mjolnir. Loki is another widely known gods. He is known for his shape-shifting abilities and
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Wells Fargo History free essay sample
Wells Fargo has grown mainly through its mergers and acquisitions with small banks and companies. In the late 20th century Wells Fargo acquired Crocker National, Barclay’s Bank and First Interstate Bank. These acquisitions occurred between 1986 and 1996. The acquisitions were recorded the largest buyouts to date. The process is as follows: 1. 1990-Norwest acquires First Interstate of Wisconsin 2. 1992-Norwest acquires First Minnesota Savings Bank and United Banks of Colorado 3. 998- Norwest merges with Wells Fargo (keeps the Wells Fargo name) In the 21st century Wells Fargo took control of 10 bank holding and two mortgage companies. Wells Fargo has acquired around 119 companies in nine years by 2009. Another significant event in Wells Fargo history is in 1981 a Wells Fargo employee, specifically a Wells Fargo Operating officer, embezzled $21. 3 million, which was reported the largest embezzlement ever. The employees plead guilty to writing phony debit and credit receipts to hi s friend’s accounts, while receiving a 0,000 cut. We will write a custom essay sample on Wells Fargo History or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page B. What was their role as a bank in the years leading up to the financial crisis? 2000In December of 2000, Wells Fargo invested $150,000 in a Seattle based housing provider, HomeSight. Wells Fargo hoped that this investment would increase affordable homeownership opportunities in Seattle. This investment helped low and moderate income, first time buyer purchase homes. According to a Wells Fargo news release, the investment helped HomeSight assist more than 60 first-time buyers purchase homes. In addition to this investment Wells Fargo provided $7 million in construction financing to a HomeSight development called Noji Gardens. This financing helped in constructing over 67 homes to again first time buyers. 2004â€â€In 2004, Wells Fargo introduced a new innovative product that enabled homeowners to handle their home as an asset in the changing interest environment. This was important because it eased the concern of increasing interest rates because it allowed the homeowner to access their home equity at a fixed rate for a chosen term. This term could have been three, five or seven years. During the term, the homeowners could pay the minimum payment, which was only the interest, or ay toward the principle. The only requirement was that the account remained open. 2008Before the Financial Crisis, and still today Wells Fargo is known as the largest home mortgage lender in the country. Recently, in more than two years, revenue at Wells Fargo rose 6%. Wells Fargo was the least hurt by the mortgage crisis in 2008 than any other large bank in the U. S. This is because Wells Fargo has a conservative approach to ho meowner lending. 2011In 2011, Wells Fargo reported a record net income of $3. 4 billion, which was 21% higher than the previous year. C. Did they have a history of lending sub-prime mortgages? Unfortunately, Wells Fargo was involved in various law suites after the financial crisis. In 2012 the government filed a law suit against Wells Fargo due to the distribution of faulty mortgages. It was stated that the federal government backed up the certified loans; however when they discovered problems with the loan, Wells Fargo failed to notify, by law, HUD. The attorneys report that Wells Fargo had at least a decade of misconduct starting around 2001. This payment was the largest that the Fed had ever imposed in a consumer case. Wells Fargo’s history of lending sub-prime mortgages has been mostly the illegal distribution to their borrowers. According to Huff Post Business, more than 10,000 borrowers were inappropriately directed into a more expensive subprime mortgages. Wells Fargo was the largest mortgage lender in the U. S.
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